Vortaro: Esperanto-Angla-Esperanto
Jen konciza dulingva vortaro kun vortoj kiuj aperas en niaj kursoj por komencantoj. Ĝi estas neniel kompleta. Lernantoj prefere kontrolu ankaŭ vortaron kun difinoj en Esperanto.
abak/o | abacus |
abat/o | abbott |
abdik/i | abdicate, resign |
abel/o | bee; ~ujo beehive |
abi/o | fir |
abism/o | abyss, chasm |
abol(ici)/i | abolish |
abomen/i | abhor, loathe; ~aĵo abomination; ~inda abominable |
abon/i | subscribe (periodicals); ~o subscription |
abort/i | abort |
abrikot/o | apricot |
abrupt/a | abrupt |
absces/o | abcess |
absolut/a | absolute; ~e absolutely |
absolv/i | absolve; ~o absolution |
abstrakt/a | abstract |
abstin/i | abstain |
absurd/a | absurd |
abund/a | abundant |
acid/a | acidic, sour; ~o acid; dolĉ~a bittersweet |
acer/o | maple |
aĉ | (suffix den. disparagement); ~a no good, lousy, wretched |
aĉet/i | buy; ~(aĵ)o purchase; el~i redeem, ransom; sub~i bribe |
ad | (suffix. den. continuation); ~e continually |
adapt/i | adapt [tr] |
adept/o | a follower, adept |
adiaŭ | farewell; ~i bid farewell |
adici/i | [tr] add (arithmetic) |
adjektiv/o | adjective |
administr/i | manage, administer |
admir/i | admire; ~inda admirable |
admon/i | admonish |
adopt/i | adopt |
ador/i | adore, worship |
adres/o | address; ~aro address list |
adult/i | commit adultery |
adverb/o | adverb |
advokat/o | lawyer |
aer/o | air; ~umi air out, ventilate; ~vojo airway |
afabl/a | affable, kind, good-natured; ~eco kindness |
afer/o | matter, thing, affair, business deal; ~isto businessman |
afiks/o | affix (gramm.) |
Afgan/o | Afghan; ~ujo Afghanistan |
afiŝ/o | poster, online message; ~i to post a message |
aflikt/i | afflict |
afrank/i | prepay (letter or package), apply stamp(s) |
Afrik/o | Africa |
ag/i | take action; ~(ad)o action, activity; ~ema active; re~i react |
agarik/o | agaric (a type of mushroom) |
agend/o | agenda (appointment book) |
agent/o | agent |
agit/i | agitate, stir up |
agl/o | eagle |
agnosk/i | acknowledge, recognize (approve) |
agord/i | tune [tr] |
agrabl/a | pleasant |
aĝ/o | age; pli~a older, elder; plen~a grown-up; grand~a elderly |
aidos/o | AIDS |
aj! | ouch! (pain) |
ajl/o | garlic |
ajn | -ever; iam ~ whenever |
aĵ | (suffix den. concrete thing); ~o a thing, substance |
aĥ! | oh!, ow! (dismay) |
akademi/o | academy |
akapar/i | monopolize, corner (econ.) |
akcel/i | accelerate [tr], promote; ~ilo accelerator |
akcent/o | accent (stress) |
akcept/i | accept, receive (guests) |
akci/o | share (in company) |
akcident/o | accident; ~i have an accident |
akcipitr/o | hawk |
akĉent/o | accent (pronunciation) |
akir/i | acquire, get; ~ebla obtainable |
akn/o | pimple, blemish |
akomod/i | acccomodate [tr] |
akompan/i | accompany; ~(aĵ)o accompaniment |
akord/o | chord, agreement |
akr/a | sharp; ~igi sharpen; ~atona sharp-toned, shrill |
akrobat/o | acrobat |
aks/o | axis, axle |
aksel/o | armpit |
aktiv/a | active; ~o assets (econ.) |
akt/o | act (law) |
aktor/o | actor; ~i act |
aktual/a | current, topical, present day |
akupunktur/o | acupuncture |
akurat/a | punctual, on time |
akustik/o | acoustics |
akuzativ/o | accusative (case) |
akuŝ/i | labor (giving birth); ~ist’ino midwife |
akuz/i | accuse; ~o accusation |
akv/o | water; ~umi water, irrigate; ~ero drop of water; fal~o, ~falo waterfall |
akvari/o | aquarium |
al | to(wards); ~doni add; ~iĝi join; ~iĝ’ilo signup form; ~logi attract; ~meti attach, put onto; ~proksim’igi bring close together; ~prunti lend; ~porti bring, fetch; ~ter’iĝi land; ~trudi impose upon, force; ~ŝuti upload; ~veni arrive; ~voki summon |
alarm/o | alarm |
Alban/o | Albanian; ~ujo Albania |
album/o | album |
alfabet/o | alphabet |
algebr/o | algebra |
alg/o | seaweed, algae |
ali/a | (an)other; ~e otherwise; ~landa foreign |
alkohol/o | alcohol; ~aĵo alcoholic drink, liquor |
almenaŭ | at least |
almoz/o | alms; ~i, ~peti beg; ~ulo beggar |
alt/a | high, tall |
altern/i | [intr] alternate |
alud/i | refer to, allude |
alumet/o | match (for fire) |
alumini/o | aluminum |
am/i | love |
amar/a | bitter |
amas/o | heap, pile, mass (large quantity) |
amator/o | amateur, enthusiast |
ambasad/o | embassy |
ambasador/o | ambassador |
ambaŭ | both |
ambulanc/o | ambulance |
Amerik/o | America (continent) |
amik/o | friend; ~eco friendship; mal~o enemy |
amor/o | sexual love; ~i make love |
ampleks/o | extent, range; ~a extensive; ~i comprise, cover (deal with) |
ampol/o | bulb (electric) |
amuz/i | amuse, entertain; ~a funny; ~o fun; ~iĝi enjoy oneself |
an | suffix den. membership in a group; ~o member; ~iĝi join; vilaĝ~o villager; krist~o Christian |
analiz/i | analyze |
ananas/o | pineapple |
anas/o | duck |
anekdot/o | anecdote |
angil/o | eel |
angl/o | Englishman; ~ujo England |
angul/o | angle, corner |
anĝel/o | angel |
anim/o | soul |
animal/o | animal (not vegetable) |
ankaŭ | also, too |
ankoraŭ | yet, still (up to now); ~ ne not yet |
anonc/i | announce, give notice of; ~o announcement |
anser/o | goose |
anstataŭ | instead of; ~i replace (be a replacement for); ~igi replace (find a replacement for) |
Antarkt/o | Antarctic |
antaŭ | before, in front of; ~ du jaroj two years ago; ~en forwards; ~o front; mal~ behind; ~ ne’longe not long ago, recently; ~vidi forsee |
antikv/a | antique, ancient |
antologi/o | anthology |
anus/o | anus |
aparat/o | apparatus, equipment, set (radio, TV) |
apart/a | separate, particular |
apartament/o | apartment |
aparten/i | belong |
apenaŭ | barely, hardly, scarcely |
aper/i | appear |
apetit/o | appetite |
aplaŭd/i | applaud, clap |
aplik/i | apply [tr] |
apog/i | lean, support [tr] |
apokalips/o | apocalypse |
apopleksi/o | stroke (of brain) |
apostol/o | apostle |
april/o | April |
aprob/i | approve |
apud | beside, close to |
ar | (suffix denoting group); ~o group, set |
arab/o | arab; ~ujo Arabia |
arane/o | spider; ~aĵo spider web |
aranĝ/i | arrange |
arb/o | tree; ~aro forest, the woods |
arbitr/a | arbitrary |
arbust/o | bush |
ard/i | to be red hot, glow, burn |
arest/i | arrest |
Argentin/o | Argentina; ~ano Argentinian |
argil/o | clay |
argument/o | argument (reasoning); ~i maintain, argue |
arĝent/o | silver |
aritmetik/o | arithmetic |
ark/o | arch |
Arkt/o | Arctic |
arm/i | arm (equip with weapon); ~ilo weapon |
arme/o | army |
arteri/o | artery |
artik/o | joint |
artikol/o | article (in magazine, etc.) |
artiŝok/o | artichoke |
art/o | art; bel~a fine art |
asekur/i | insure; ~o insurance |
asert/i | state (assert) |
asfalt/o | asphalt |
asist/i | assist (in official capacity) |
asoci/o | association; ~i associate |
aspekt/i | look (seem); ~o appearance |
atak/i | attack |
atenc/i | assault; violate |
atend/i | await |
atent/a | attentive; ~i pay attention |
atest/i | certify, testify, bear witness; ~anto a witness |
ating/i | achieve; reach, attain |
Atlantik/o | Atlantic |
atlet/o | athlete |
atom/o | atom |
aŭ | or; ~ … ~ … either … or … |
aŭdac/a | audacious, daring; ~i dare |
aŭd/i | hear |
aŭgust/o | August |
aŭskult/i | listen to |
aŭstr/o | Austrian |
Aŭstrali/o | Australia |
aŭt(omobil)/o | car, automobile; ~isto motorist; ~ejo garage; ~vojo motorway |
aŭtobus/o | bus |
aŭtomat/o | automat, automaton; ~a automatic |
aŭtor/o | author |
aŭtoritat/o | authority |
aŭtun/o | autumn |
av/o | grandfather; ~ino grandmother; ~ĉjo grampa; ~injo grandma |
avangard/o | avant-garde |
avantaĝ/o | advantage |
avar/a | miserly; mal~a generous; ~ulo a miser |
aven/o | oats; ~kaĉo porridge, oatmeal |
aventur/o | adventure |
avenu/o | avenue |
avert/i | warn |
aviad/o | aviation; ~ilo aircraft |
avid/a | eager, greedy |
aviz/o | notification, advice; ~i notify |
azen/o | ass (donkey) |
Azi/o | Asia |
babil/i | chat |
baf! | (exclamation) |
bagatel/o | trifle (unimportant thing) |
baki | [tr] bake; ~ujo oven |
bakteri/o | bacterium |
bal/o | ball (dance) |
bala/i | sweep; ~ilo broom |
balanc/i | [tr] swing, rock |
balbut/i | stutter, stammer |
baldaŭ | soon |
balen/o | whale |
balet/o | ballet |
balon/o | balloon |
balot/i | elect (political) |
balzam/o | balm |
bambu/o | bamboo |
ban/i | [tr] bathe; ~ejo bathroom; ~kuvo bathtub |
banan/o | banana |
band/o | band (group) |
bandaĝ/o, ~i | bandage |
bank/o | bank (financal) |
banked/o | banquet |
bant/o | bow (of ribbon, etc.); bow-tie |
bapt/i | baptize |
barakt/i | struggle |
bar/i | bar, block; ~aĵo dam; ~ilo barrier |
Barat/o | India |
barb/o | beard |
barbir/o | barber |
barel/o | barrel |
bark/o | sailing craft |
bas/o | bass (voice, instrument) |
baston/o | stick |
bat/i | beat, strike |
batal/i, ~o | fight, battle |
bateri/o | battery |
baz/o | base, basis; ~i [tr] base; ~a basic |
bazar/o | market (bazaar) |
be! | (exclamation) |
beb/o | baby |
bedaŭr/i | regret, be sorry about; ~inde unfortunately |
bek/o | beak; ~i peck; ~fluto recorder (flute) |
bel/a | beautiful, handsome, lovely |
Belarus/o | a Belarussian |
Belg/o | A Belgian |
ben/i | bless; mal~i curse |
bend/o | tape, band |
benk/o | bench |
benzin/o | gasoline, petrol |
ber/o | berry |
best/o | animal; ~ĝardeno zoo |
beton/o | concrete |
betul/o | birch (tree) |
bezon/i, ~o | need, require |
bibli/o | Bible |
bibliotek/o | library |
bicikl/o | bicycle |
bid/o | bead |
bien/o | farm, estate, property (land); ~isto farmer |
bier/o | beer |
bifstek/o | steak |
bild/o | image, picture |
bilet/o | note (monetary); ticket |
bind/i | bind (books) |
biograf/o | biographer |
biografi/o | biography |
bird/o | bird |
Birm/o | Burma (Myanmar) |
bis! | (exclamation) once more!, again! |
bizar/a | bizarre |
blag/i | fib; “pull one’s leg” |
blank/a | blank; white |
blasfem/i | blaspheme, swear (use offensive language) |
blek/i | cry (of animals) |
blind/a | blind |
blok/o, ~i | block |
blond/a | blond; ~ulo blond (person) |
blov/i | blow |
blu/a | blue |
bluz/o | blouse |
bo | prefix for in-law relation; ~filo son-in-law; ~patr’ino mother-in-law; ~parencoj in-laws |
boat/o | boat |
boj/i | bark (dog) |
bol/i | [intr] boil; ~ig’ilo kettle |
Bolivi/o | Bolivia |
bombon/o | candy, bonbon |
bon/a | good; ~e well; mal~a bad; evil; ~ŝanca lucky; ~vena, ~igi welcome; ~venon! welcome! |
bor/i | bore, drill; ~ilo drill (tool) |
bord/o | bank (shore) |
bors/o | stock-exchange |
Bosn/o | Bosnian; ~ujo Bosnia |
botel/o | bottle |
bot/o | boot |
bov/o | ox, cow; ~id’aĵo veal |
bovl/o | bowl |
bracelet/o | bracelet |
brak/o | arm (body part); ~umi, ~o hug; ~horloĝo watch (wristwatch); ~seĝo armchair |
branĉ/o | branch (of tree, etc.) |
brand/o | schnapps, spirits |
brasik/o | cabbage |
brav/a | gallant, valiant; ~e! bravo! well done! |
Brazil/o | Brazil |
bred/i | [tr] breed, raise |
brems/o | brake (device); ~i brake (action) |
bret/o | shelf |
brid/o, ~i | bridle, restraint |
briĝ/o | bridge (game) |
brik/o | brick |
bril/a | brilliant; ~i [intr] shine |
brit/o | Britain (person); ~ujo Britain (country) |
brod/i | embroider; ~aĵo embroidery |
brokant/i | deal in second-hand goods; ~a second-hand |
brokol/o | broccoli |
bronz/o | bronze |
bros/o, ~i | brush |
broŝur/o | brochure, pamphlet |
brov/o | (eye)brow |
brul/i | [intr] burn |
brun/a | brown |
bru/o | noise |
Brusel/o | Brussels (Belgian capital) |
brust/o | chest, breast |
brutal/o | bully, thug; ~a brutal |
bub/o | brat, urchin |
buĉ/i | slaughter, butcher |
bud/o | booth, stand (stall) |
buĝet/o | budget |
buked/o | bouquet |
bukl/o, ~i | curl (hair) |
bulb/o | bulb (of plant) |
bulgaro | Bulgarian; ~ujo Bulgaria |
bulk/o | roll (bread) |
bul/o | lump, ball, clod, chunk |
bulten/o | bulletin |
bunt/a | colorful |
burĝ/o | bourgeois |
burĝon/o | bud |
burlesk/a | burlesque |
bus/o | bus |
buŝ/o | mouth |
buter/o | butter |
butik/o | store (shop); ~umi go shopping |
buton/o | button |
ced/i | yield |
cel/i | aim; ~o goal, purpose |
cent | hundred |
centimetr/o | centimeter |
centr/a | central |
centrifug/a | centrifugal |
centr/o | center |
cenzur/i, ~o | censor |
cep/o | onion |
cerb/o | brain; ~umi rack one’s brains |
ceremoni/o | ceremony |
cert/a | certain, sure |
cerv/o | deer |
ceter/a | remaining; ~o remainder, rest; ~e besides, moreover |
cifer/o | digit (number), figure; ~eca digital |
cigared/o | cigarette |
cigar/o | cigar |
cign/o | swan |
cikatr/o | scar |
cikl/o | cycle; motor~ motorcycle |
cindr/o | ash, cinder |
cirkl/o | circle |
cirkonstanc/o | circumstance |
cirkuler/o | circular (letter) |
cirkul/i | [intr] circulate |
cirkvit/o | circuit |
cir/o | shoe polish |
cit/i | quote, cite; ~aĵo quote, citation; ~ilo quotation mark |
citron/o | lemon |
civil/a | civil |
civiliz/i | civilize |
civit/o | city(-state); ~a civic; ~ano citizen |
col/o | inch (unit of measure) |
ĉagren/i, ~o | distress, annoy |
ĉambr/o | room |
ĉapel/o | hat |
ĉapitr/o | chapter |
ĉap/o | cap |
ĉar | because, since |
ĉar/o | cart, trolley, chariot; ~eto hand-cart; ~umo wheelbarrow; krom~o sidecar |
ĉarm/a | charming; ~o, ~i charm |
ĉas/i, ~o | hunt, chase |
ĉe | at; by; next to; with; ~esti be present, attend |
ĉef/o | chief, leader; ~a chief, main; ~urbo capital (city); ~ministro prime-minister |
ĉeĥ/o | Czech (person); ~ujo Czech Republic |
ĉek/o | check (bank order) |
ĉel/o | cell |
ĉemiz/o | shirt |
ĉen/o | chain; ~ero link (in chain) |
ĉeriz/o | cherry |
ĉerk/o | coffin |
ĉerp/i | draw (extract); el~ita exhausted; out of print |
ĉes/i | [intr] stop; ~igi [tr] stop (cease) |
ĉeval/o | horse |
ĉi | used with ti- words to denote nearness; ~ tiu this (one); ~ tie here; |
ĉiam | always |
ĉie | everywhere |
ĉiel/o | sky, heaven |
ĉies | everybody’s, everyone’s |
ĉif/i | crease, crumple |
ĉifon/o | rag |
ĉili/o | Chile |
ĉimpanz/o | chimpanzee |
ĉin/o | Chinese (person); ~ujo China |
ĉio | everything |
ĉirkaŭ | around; ~i surround; ~aĵo surroundings |
ĉiu | each, every; each one, everyone; ~j all; everyone; ~tage daily |
ĉokolad/o | chocolate |
ĉu | if (whether); (also used for forming yes/no questions) |
da | of (quantity) |
damn/i | damn |
dan/o | a Dane; ~ujo Denmark |
danc/i, ~o | dance |
danĝer/o | danger |
dank/i | thank; ~o thanks; ~on! thank you!; ~a grateful; ~e al, dank’ al thanks to |
dat/o | date (time); ~re’veno anniversary |
daŭr/i | [intr] continue, last (endure); ~igi [tr] continue; ~o duration; ~a lasting, permanent |
de | of; from; since; by; ek ~ since; from; ~ sur off of; ~nove again; ~pendi (de) depend; ~teni restrain |
debet/o | debit |
dec/a | fitting, proper, seemly; ~i be fitting |
decembr/o | December |
decid/i | decide |
dediĉ/i | dedicate, devote |
defend/i | defend |
defi/i, ~o | challenge |
degel/i | thaw |
deĵor/i | be on duty |
dek | ten; ~jar’(aĝ)a ten years old |
deklar/i | declare |
dekliv/o | hill (slope) |
dekstr/a | right (side) |
deleg/i | delegate |
delikat/a | delicate, dainty |
delikt/o | (law) misdemeanor, offense |
delir/i | be delirious; ~o delirium; pri~i interrogate; query |
demand/i | ask (a question); ~o question |
dens/a | dense, thick |
dent/o | tooth; ~isto dentist |
denunc/i | denounce |
depon/i | deposit; ~ejo depot |
des | so much the; ~ pli bone all the better |
desegn/i | draw, design; ~aĵo design, drawing |
desert/o | dessert |
destin/i | assign |
detal/o | detail |
detektiv/o | detective |
determin/i | determine |
detru/i | destroy |
dev/i | have to, must, be obliged to; ~o duty, obligation; ~us ought, should; ~igi force, compel; ~iga compulsory |
dezert/o | desert |
dezir/i, ~o | wish, desire |
di/o | god; ~a divine; ~servo service (religious) |
diabl/o | devil; ~e! damn! |
dialekt/o | dialect |
dialog/o | dialogue, conversation; ~i converse |
diet/o | diet |
difekt/i | damage, [tr] spoil |
diferenc/i | differ; ~o difference; ~igi differentiate |
difin/i | define |
digest/i | digest |
dika | thick, stout, fat; ~fingro thumb |
dikt/i | dictate |
diletant/o | dilettante |
diligent/a | diligent |
dimanĉ/o | Sunday |
dimensi/o | dimension |
diplom/o | diploma |
direkt/o | direction |
direktor/o | director, manager |
dir/i | say, tell; oni~o rumor; antaŭ~i predict; kontraŭ~i contradict, raise an objection |
dis | prefix denoting separation, dispersal; ~a separate, scattered; ~igi [tr] separate; ne~ig’ebla inseparable, indivisible; ~doni distribute |
disk/o | disc, record (album) |
diskut/i | discuss |
dispon/i | available (have available) |
disput/i | argue (dispute); ~o argument |
distanc/o | distance (interval) |
disting/i | distinguish |
distr/i | divert; distract; entertain; ~aĵo an amusement, entertainment; ~a vespero social (event) |
diven/i, ~o | guess |
divers/a(j) | different, various; ~eco variety |
divid/i | [tr] divide, share |
do | so, then (therefore) |
dogan/o | customs |
doktor/o | doctor (academic title) |
dokument/o | document |
dolar/o | dollar |
dolĉ/a | sweet; ~aĵoj candy, sweets |
dolori | hurt, be painful to; ~o pain; ~igi hurt, cause hurt to |
dom/o | house |
domaĝ/o | a pity; ~i begrudge, not want to spoil; ~e (it’s a) pity |
donac/i | give (give a present), donate; ~o gift, donation |
don/i | give; al~i add; dis~i dispense, distribute, deal; el~i publish; trans~i hand over; transfer |
dorlot/i | pamper |
dorm/i, ~o | sleep; ~(o)ĉambro bedroom |
dorn/o | thorn |
dors/o | back |
dosier/o | file (records) |
dot/o | dowry; ~i endow |
dram/o | drama |
drat/o | wire |
dres/i | train (train an animal) |
drink/i | drink (consume alcohol) |
drog/o | drug |
dron/i | [intr] drown |
du | two; ~a second (2nd); ~foje twice (two times); ~ono half; ~obla double |
dub/i, ~o | doubt; ~inda dubious |
dum | during, while |
dung/i | employ, hire |
duŝ/o | shower (bath); ~i sin take a shower; ~ilo shower (fixture) |
eben/a | flat, even (level) |
ebl/a | possible; ~e maybe, possibly, perhaps; ~(ec)o possibility; kiel ~e plej bona as good as possible |
ebri/a | drunk (intoxicated) |
ec | (suffix den. abstract quality); -ness, -ity; pur~o purity |
eĉ | (adv.) even |
eduk/i | educate, bring up; ~ado education |
edz/o | husband; ~ino wife; ~(in)iĝi, ge~iĝi get married |
efektiv/a | actual; ~e actually; in fact |
efekt/o | effect (impression); ~a showy |
efik/o | effect (result) |
egal/a | equal |
egipto | Egyptian (person); ~ujo Egypt |
ego/o | ego; ~isma selfish; ~isto egotist |
eĥ/o | echo |
ek | prefix den. beginning of action or sudden, momentary action; ~vidi glimpse; ~iri start out; ~flugi take off; ~krii exclaim; ~de since |
ekip/i | equip; ~aĵo equipment |
eklezi/o | church (organization) |
ekologi/o | ecology |
ekonomi/o | economy |
ekran/o | screen |
eks | prefix den. ex-, former; ~igi expel (from office); ~iĝi resign; ~edz(in)iĝi get divorced |
ekscit/i | excite |
ekskurs/o | excursion, trip |
eksped/i | dispatch, send off |
eksplod/i | [intr] explode |
ekspluat/i | exploit |
ekspozici/o | exhibition |
ekster | (prep.) outside, besides; ~a exterior, external; ~e outside of; ~lando abroad |
ekstrem/a | extreme |
ekvator/o | equator |
ekvilibr/o | balance, equilibrium |
ekzamen/i | examine; ~o exam |
ekzekut/i | execute (a prisoner) |
ekzempl/o | example; ~e for example |
ekzempler/o | copy (of book, etc.) |
ekzerc/i | [tr] exercise; ~iĝi, ~i sin practice |
ekzist/i | exist |
el | (prep.) out of; ~cento percent; ~dono edition; ~sendo broadcast; ~iri exit; ~ĉerpi exhaust, use up; ~lit’iĝi get out of bed; ~spezi spend; ~ŝuti download |
elast/a | elastic |
elefant/o | elephant |
elegant/a | elegant |
elekt/i | choose, elect, pick; ~o choice |
elektr/o | electricity; ~a electric(al) |
elektronik/o | electronics |
element/o | element |
elokvent/a | eloquent |
em | (suffix den. inclination); parol~a talkative; ~a inclined to, tending to, disposed to; ~i be inclined to; ~o inclination |
emajl/o | enamel |
embaras/o | embarrassment; difficulty; ~i embarrass; put in a difficult position |
emerit/o | retiree; ~a retired |
emfaz/o | emphasis; ~i emphasize |
eminent/a | distinguished, eminent |
emoci/o | emotion |
en | (prep.) in(side of), at; ~igi insert; ~gluti swallow; ~havi contain; ~iri enter; ~konduki introduce (thing); ~spezo income; ~volvi wrap |
en | into |
energi/o | energy |
enigm/o | enigma, puzzle |
enket/o | investigation, inquiry |
entrepren/i | undertake |
entuziasm/o | enthusiasm; ~a enthusiasmic |
enu/i | feel bored, be fed up |
envi/i | envy |
epidemi/o | epidemic |
epok/o | epoch, age |
er | (suffix den. element, particle); neĝ~o snowflake; sabl~o grain of sand; pan~o crumb; ~o item |
era/o | era |
erar/i | be mistaken; ~o error, mistake; sen~a correct |
erinac/o | hedgehog |
erupci/o | eruption; ~i erupt |
escept/i | exclude, exempt |
esenc/o | essence; ~a essential |
eskap/i | escape |
esper/i, ~o | hope |
esplor/i | investigate; explore; ~(ad)o research; exploration |
esprim/i | express; ~o expression |
est/i | to be; ~ont’eco the future; ~as domaĝe, ke… it’s a pity that… |
establ/i | establish |
estim/i, ~o | esteem |
esting/i | extinguish |
estono | Estonian; ~ujo Estonia |
estr/o | leader, head; urb~o mayor; ~aro board, leadership |
et | (diminutive suffix); ~a small, tiny; dorm~i nap; libr~o booklet; ~burĝo peti bourgeois |
etaĝ/o | story of building |
etap/o | stage (a stop) |
etend/i | [tr] extend |
etern/a | eternal |
etiked/o | label |
eŭr/o | euro (money) |
Eŭrop/o | Europe |
eventual/a | any (that may occur); contingent; ~o eventuality, contingency; ~e if need be, if the case should arise |
evident/a | obvious, evident |
evit/i | avoid; evade |
evolu/i | [intr] develop, evolve |
fabel/o | fairytale, story |
fab/o | bean, broad bean |
fabrik/o | factory; ~i manufacture |
fac/o | face (of object) |
facil/a | easy; ~eco ease |
faden/o | thread |
fag/o | beech (tree) |
fajf/i, ~ilo | whistle |
fajr/o | fire; ~ero spark |
fak/o | compartment, pigeonhole; branch, specialization, department; square (on game board); ~ulo specialist |
faks/o, ~i | fax |
fakt/o | fact; ~e in fact |
faktur/o | bill, invoice |
fal/i | fall; ~igi drop |
fald/i | [tr] fold |
fals/i | forge (falsify), fake; ~a fake, false |
fam/o | fame; ~a famous |
famili/o | family |
familiar/a | familiar (informal); colloquial |
fand/i [tr] | melt |
fanfaron/i | boast, brag |
fantazi/o | fantasy |
fantom/o | ghost, phantom |
far/i | do; make; ~e de by; ~iĝi become |
farb/o, ~i | paint |
farmaci/o | pharmacy (study or practice) |
fart/i | be (fare); kiel vi ~as? how are you? |
farun/o | flour |
fasad/o | facade |
fask/o | bundle |
fason/o | cut (of clothes); typeface; layout; ~i cut, make to measure; design |
fast/i | fast (not eat); ~o a fast |
faŭk/o | mouth, maw |
faŭlt/o | fault (geology) |
favor/a | advantageous, favorable |
fazeol/o | bean (legume) |
fe/o | fairy |
febr/o | fever |
februar/o | February |
feĉ/o | dregs; sludge |
federaci/o | federation |
feliĉ/a | fortunate; happy; mal~o misfortune; unhappiness |
fel/o | hide, skin (of animal) |
fend/i | [tr] split, crack; ~o a crack, fissure |
fenestr/o | window |
fenomen/o | phenomenon |
fer/o | iron (metal); ~vojo railway |
feri/o | holiday; ~i go on vacation |
ferm/i | [tr] shut, close |
fervor/o | zeal, fervor; ~i be keen, fervent; ~a zealous; ~ulo fan (sports) |
fest/i | celebrate; ~o a party, celebration, feast |
festen/i | feast, have a banquet |
fi | prefix den. shame; ~a shameful, disgusting; ~fama notorious, of ill repute |
fianĉ/o | fiancé; ~ino fiancée; ge~iĝi get engaged; ~amiko best man |
fid/i, ~o | trust; ~inda trustworthy, reliable |
fidel/a | faithful |
fier/a | proud |
figur/o | figure (form) |
fikci/o | fiction |
fiks/i | fix (fasten) |
fil/o | son; ~ino daughter |
filatel/o | philately |
fili/o | branch (of firm) |
film/o, ~i | film (cinema) |
filolog/o | philologist |
filologi/o | philology |
filozof/o | philosopher; ~i philosophize |
filozofi/o | philosophy |
fin/i | [tr] finish, bring to an end; ~iĝi [intr] end; ~o end; ~a: final; ~e at last; ~~e at long last, finally |
financ/o, ~i | finance |
fingr/o | finger |
finn/o | a Finn; ~lando Finland |
firm/a | solid, firm |
firm(a)o | (business) firm |
fiŝ/o, ~(kapt)i | fish |
fizik/o | physics; ~isto physicist |
flag/o | flag |
flagr/i | flare (up); ~eti flicker |
flam/o | flame |
flank/o | side; ~e de alongside; ~en sideways; de~iĝi digress; go astray; ali~e on the other hand |
flar/i | [tr] smell (a scent) |
flat/i | flatter; ~o flattery |
flav/a | yellow |
fleg/i, ~ist(in)o | nurse (in sickness) |
fleks/i | [tr] flex, bend; ~ebla flexible |
flik/i | patch, mend |
flirt/i | flutter, flit; flirt |
flor/o, ~i | flower; ~brasiko cauliflower; ~krono wreath |
flos/o | raft; ~i [intr] float |
flu/i, ~o | flow; ~a fluent |
flug/i | [intr] fly; ~ilo wing; ~haveno airport; ~folio leaflet |
fluid/o, ~a | fluid |
flustr/i | whisper |
foir/o | fair (gathering), market; trade fair |
foj/o | time (occasion); ~e occasionally; ~~e from time to time; tri ~ojn three times |
foli/o | leaf; sheet (paper) |
fond/i | found (establish); ~aĵo foundation |
font/o | spring; source; ~i spring, well up; arise; ~(o)plumo fountain pen |
fontan/o | fountain |
for | (adv.) distant; ~igi remove, get rid of; ~iri go away; ~esti be absent; ~skrapi, ~viŝi erase |
forges/i | forget |
forĝ/i | forge (work metal) |
fork/o | fork |
form/o | form, shape |
formal/a | formal |
formik/o | ant |
formul/o | formula; ~i formulate; ~aro a form (to fill out) |
forn/o | furnace, stove |
fort/a | strong |
fortik/a | robust, sturdy |
fortun/o | fortune |
fos/i | dig; ~ilo spade; ~aĵo hole, ditch |
fost/o | post (upright timber) |
fot(ograf)/i, ~(aĵ)o | photograph; ~ilo camera |
fotel/o | armchair |
frag/o | strawberry |
frakas/i | shatter, smash |
frakci/o | fraction |
framb/o | raspberry |
franc/o | French person; ~ujo France |
frand/i | relish; ~aĵo delicacy |
frap/i, ~o | strike, hit, knock (at the door, etc.); tap |
frat/o | brother; ~ino sister |
fraŭl/o | bachelor; Master; ~ino bachelorette; Miss |
fraz/o | sentence |
fremd/a | foreign, strange; ~ulo stranger |
frenez/a | insane, mad |
freŝ/a | fresh |
frid/a | cold [= malvarma]; ~ujo refrigerator |
fripon/o | rogue, con-man, crook, scoundrel |
frit/i | fry |
frivol/a | frivolous |
friz/i | [tr] curl (hair); ~o hairdo; ~isto hairdresser |
fromaĝ/o | cheese |
front/o | front (military, political, weather, etc.); (al) face |
frost/o | frost; ~i [tr] freeze; ~(o)vundo frostbite; ~(o)tremi shiver; ~ig’ilo, ~ujo freezer |
frot/i | rub |
fru/e, ~a | early |
frukt/o | fruit |
frunt/o | forehead |
fu! | (exclamation) |
fuĝ/i | flee, run away |
fuksi/o | fuchsia |
fulg/o | soot |
fulm/o | lightning; ~tondro thunderstorm |
fum/o, ~i | smoke |
fund/o | bottom; ĝis~e thoroughly |
fundament/o | foundation; ~a fundamental |
funebr/o | mourning; ~i mourn |
funel/o | funnel |
fung/o | mushroom; fungus |
funkci/o | function; ~i [intr] run, work, function; ~igi operate |
funt/o | pound (weight) |
furaĝ/o | fodder; ~i forage |
furioz/a | furious |
furor/o | vogue, craze; ~i be all the rage |
fuŝ/i | botch, bungle |
fut/o | foot (unit of length) |
futbal/o | football (soccer) |
gaj/a | cheerful, merry, gay; mal~a sad |
gajn/i, ~o | win; gain; earn |
gal/o | bile |
galeri/o | gallery |
galinol/o | moorhen |
galop/o, ~i | gallop |
gam/o | (mus.) scale, key; gamut |
gant/o | glove; ~pupo puppet |
garaĝ/o | garage (for repairs) |
garanti/i, ~o | guarantee |
gard/i, ~isto | guard |
gas/o | gas |
gast/o | guest; ~ejo hostel |
gazet/o | periodical (newspaper, magazine, etc.); ~aro press (media) |
ge | prefix den. both sexes together; ~patroj parents; ~sinjoroj ladies and gentlemen |
gej/o, ~a | gay (homosexual) |
gelaten/o | gelatin |
generaci/o | generation |
general/o | general (military) |
geni/o | genius (ability); ~ulo genius (person) |
gent/o | ethnic group, race |
geografi/o | geography |
Georgi/o | Georgia (US state) [Georgia (country) = Kartvelujo] |
germano | German (person); ~ujo Germany |
gest/o, ~i | gesture; ~adi gesticulate |
giĉet/o | ticket window, box office; hatch |
girland/o | garland |
gitar/o | guitar |
glaci/o | ice; ~aĵo ice cream |
glad/i | to iron (clothes); ~ilo clothes-iron |
glan/o | acorn |
glas/o | glass (for drinking) |
glat/a, ~igi | smooth |
glav/o | sword; ~ingo scabbard |
glit/i | [intr] slide, glide, slip |
glob/o | globe; ~krajono ballpoint |
glor/i | glorify, extol; ~o glory |
glu/o | glue; ~i [tr] glue, stick; ~iĝi adhere; ~marko sticker, seal |
golf/o | bay, golf, gulf |
gorĝ/o | throat |
graci/a | graceful |
grad/o | grade, degree |
grajn/o | grain (seed, particle) |
gram/o | gram |
gramatik/o | grammar |
grand/a | big, great, large; ~o size; po~e wholesale |
grandioz/a | grand, magnificent |
gras/o | fat, grease |
grat/i | scratch |
gratul/i | congratulate |
graŭl/i | growl |
grav/a | important; serious; ne ~as it doesn’t matter; nevermind |
greg/o | flock, herd |
grek/o | Greek (person); ~ujo Greece |
gren/o | grain (crop) |
grimac/i | grimace |
grimp/i | climb |
grinc/i | creak, grate (noise) |
grip/o | flu, influenza |
griz/a, ~o | gray |
Gronlando | Greenland |
grot/o | cave |
grumbl/i | grumble |
grund/o | soil, earth |
gru/o | crane |
grup/o | group |
gudr/o | tar |
gum/o | gum |
gust/o | taste; ~i have flavor; ~umi [tr] taste (sample) |
gut/o | drop (of liquid); ~i [intr] drip |
gvid/i | guide, show the way, lead; ~anto guide; ~libro guidebook |
ĝangal/o | jungle |
ĝarden/o | garden |
ĝemel/o | twin |
ĝem/i | groan, moan |
ĝen/i | hamper, inconvenience, disturb |
ĝendarm/o | gendarme |
ĝeneral/a | general; ~e in general |
ĝentil/a | polite, courteous; ~eco manners |
ĝi | (pron.) it; ~a its |
ĝib/o | hump |
ĝiraf/o | giraffe |
ĝis | until; as far as; upto; ~ (la) re’vido see you later; bye; ~i say goodbye to |
ĝoj/i | be glad; ~o joy |
ĝu/i | enjoy; ~o enjoyment |
ĝust/a | right, correct, exact |
ha! | ah! |
ha-lo? | Hello? (telephone greeting) |
hajl/o | hail (weather); ~ero hailstone |
hak/i | chop; ~ilo axe |
hal/o | hall (large room) |
halt/i | [intr] halt, stop (moving) |
halucin/o | hallucination |
handikap/o, ~i | handicap |
har/o | hair (a single strand); ~oj, ~aro hair (a head, etc. of hair); sen~a bald |
haring/o | herring |
harmoni/o | harmony |
haŭt/o | skin |
hav/i | have; ~ebla available |
haven/o | port, harbor |
hazard/o | chance, luck |
he! | hey! |
heĝ/o | hedge |
hejm/o | home; ~e at home |
hejt/i | heat; stoke; ~aĵo fuel |
hektar/o | hectare |
hel/a | bright; light (color) |
helikopter/o | helicopter |
help/i, ~o | help; mal~i hinder |
hepat/o | liver |
herb/o | grass; ~aĉo weed |
hered/i | inherit; ~igi bequeath |
hero/o | hero |
herold/o, ~i | herald |
hezit/i | hesitate |
hien/o | hyena |
hieraŭ | (adv.) yesterday; antaŭ~ the day before yesterday |
higien/o | hygiene |
himn/o | anthem; hymn |
hirund/o | swallow (bird) |
hispano | Spaniard; ~ujo Spain |
histori/o | history |
ho! | oh! |
hodiaŭ | (adv.) today; ~ vespere this evening |
hok/o, ~i | hook |
hom/o | human, person; ~amaso crowd |
honest/a | honest |
Honkong/o | Hong Kong |
honor/i, ~o | honor |
hont/i | be ashamed; ~o shame |
hor/o | hour; time (of day); ~aro timetable |
horde/o | barley |
horizont/o | horizon |
horizontal/a | horizontal |
horloĝ/o | clock; brak~o wristwatch; mur~o wall clock; park~o parking meter |
hotel/o | hotel |
huf/o | hoof |
hum/o | humus |
human/a | humane; ~ismo humanism |
humid/a | humid |
humil/a | humble |
humor/o | temper, mood |
humur/o | humor (wit) |
hund/o | dog |
hungar/o | Hungarian (person); ~ujo Hungary |
hura! | (exclamation) hurrah! |
ĥaoso | chaos |
ĥemi/o, kemi/o | chemistry |
ĥirurg/o, kirurg/o | surgeon |
ĥirurgi/o, kirurgi/o | surgery |
ĥor/o | choir |
ia | some kind of |
iam | once (in the past); sometime (in the future) |
ide/o | idea |
ideal/o, ~a | ideal |
ident/a | identical; ~eco identity; ~igi identify |
id | (suffix den. offspring); ~o offspring, young; hund~o puppy; reĝ~o prince |
idiot/o | idiot |
ie | somewhere; ~ ajn anywhere |
iel | somehow |
ies | someone’s |
ig | (causative suffix); ~i make, cause, render; pur~i clean, purify; bol~i boil (something) |
ignor/i | ignore |
iĝ | (suffix den. becoming); ~i become, get; ruĝ~i redden (become red); komenc~i [intr] to begin |
il | (suffix den. tool or implement); ~o tool, implement; hak~o axe; skrib~o writing implement |
ili | (pron.) they; ~a their |
ilustr/i | illustrate; ~aĵo illustration |
imag/i | imagine |
imit/i | imitate |
imperi/o | empire; ~estro emperor |
implik/i | entangle; implicate |
impon/i | impress; ~a impressive |
import/i | import |
impost/o, ~i | tax |
impres/i | make an impression; ~o impression; ~ebla, ~iĝ’ema impressionable |
impuls/o | impetus, impulse |
imun/a | immune, -proof; rust~a ŝtalo stainless steel |
in | (suffix den. female); ~o female; patr~o mother; frat~o sister |
incendi/o | conflagration; inferno |
incit/i | irritate, incite, excite; ~eti tease |
ind | (suffix den. worthiness for something); ~a worthy; rimark~a remarkable; dub~a dubious |
indiferent/a | indifferent |
indik/i | indicate |
industri/o | industry |
infan/o | child |
infekt/i | infect |
infer/o | hell; ~a infernal |
infinitiv/o | (gramm.) infinitive |
influ/i | influence |
inform/i | inform, tell; ~o information |
ing | (suffix den. socket, holder); ~o socket; glav~o scabbard; kandel~o candlestick; ŝtop’il~o plug socket |
iniciat/i | [tr] initiate, originate |
injekt/i | inject |
ink/o | ink |
inkluziv/a, ~e | inclusive; ~e de including; ~i include |
insekt/o | insect |
insid/i | ensnare, lay a trap for; ~o snare |
insign/o | badge |
insist/i | insist |
inspekt/i | inspect; ~isto inspector |
inspir/i | inspire |
instal/i | install |
instanc/o | authority (offical body) |
instig/i | encourage, impel, urge |
instinkt/o | instinct |
instru/i | teach; ~isto teacher |
instrument/o | instrument |
insul/o | island |
insult/i | insult |
intelekt/o | intellect |
inteligent/a | intelligent |
intenc/i | intend; ~e on purpose |
intens/a | intense |
inter | (prep.) among, between; ~nacia international; ~rompi interrupt |
intervju/o | an interview; ~i to interview |
interes/i | [tr] interest; ~o interest; ~a interesting; ~iĝi be(come) interested |
interez/o | (financial) interest |
intern/a | internal |
interpret/i | interpret |
intest/o | intestine |
intim/a | intimate |
intuici/o | intuition |
inund/i | [tr] flood; ~o flood |
invent/i | invent |
invit/i | invite |
io | something; ~ ajn anything |
iom | a bit, somewhat, rather; ~ete a tiny bit; slightly |
Irak/o | Iraq |
Iran/o | Iran |
ir/i | go; el~i exit, go out; en~i enter, go in; for~i depart, leave; ~igi drive; make go |
Irland/o | Ireland |
ironi/o | irony |
Island/o | Iceland |
Israel/o | Israel |
italo | Italian (person); ~ujo Italy |
iu | (pron.) someone; (adj) a certain (one), some, any; ~ajn anybody; anyone |
izol/i | insulate; isolate |
ja | indeed |
jak/o | jacket |
jam | already, yet |
januar/o | January |
japan/o | Japanese (person); ~ujo Japan |
jar/o | year; ~cento century |
je | (undefined prep.); ~ la dua at two o’clock; fidu ~ li : believe in him |
jen | here, here is; ~e as follows |
jes | yes |
Jesu/o | Jesus |
jet/o | jet (plane) |
jogurt/o | yogurt |
ju pli … des pli … | the more … the more … |
jubile/o | jubilee |
jud/o | Jew; ~a Jewish |
jug/o | yoke |
juĝ/i, ~isto | judge |
juk/i, ~o | itch |
juli/o | July |
jun/a | young; ~ulo youngster (young person); ~eco youth (state of being young) |
jung/i, ~o | harness |
juni/o | June |
jup/o | skirt |
jur/o | law (legal system) |
just/a | just (fair) |
juvel/o | jewel |
ĵaluz/a | jealous |
ĵaŭd/o | Thursday |
ĵet/i | throw; ~aĵo projectile; ~ilo : sling; ~kubo dice |
ĵoke/o | jockey |
ĵongl/i | juggle |
ĵur/i | swear (take an oath); ~rompo perjury |
ĵurnal/o | newspaper; ~isto journalist |
ĵus | (adv.) just (a moment ago) |
kaban/o | hut |
kabaret/o | cabaret |
kabinet/o | study (room) |
kaĉ/o | mush, porridge; mess |
kadavr/o | corpse |
kadr/o | frame(work) |
kaduk/a | decrepit |
kaf/o | coffee; ~ejo café; ~kruĉo coffee-pot |
kaĝ/o | cage |
kahel/o | tile |
kaj | and; kaj … kaj … both … and … |
kaj/o | platform (station); quay |
kajer/o | exercise book |
kajut/o | cabin |
kaĵol/i | cajole, coax |
kaka/o | cocoa |
kakofoni/o | cacophony |
kakt/o | cactus |
kal/o | callus |
kaldron/o | boiler, cauldron |
kalendar/o | calendar |
kalkan/o | heel (of foot); ~umo heel (of shoe) |
kalkul/i | calculate, reckon; ~o calculation; bill (hotel, etc.) |
kalson/o | underpants; ~eto slip, panties |
kalumni/i, ~o | slander, libel |
kalv/a | bald |
kamarad/o | comrade |
kamel/o | camel |
kamen/o | fireplace, hearth |
kamera/o | (film, video) camera, camcorder |
kamion/o | truck |
kamp/o | field; ~aro countryside; ~ar’ano peasant |
Kanad/o | Canada |
kanajl/o | scoundrel, rogue |
kanal/o | canal; channel; ~izi lay down mains, pipes, sewers |
kandel/o | candle; ~ingo candlestick |
kandidat/o | candidate |
kanibal/o | cannibal |
kant/i | sing; ~o song |
kanzon/o | song, ballad |
kap/o | head (of body) |
kapabl/a | (cap)able |
kapital/o | capital (funds) |
kapr/o | goat |
kapric/o | whim, caprice |
kapsik/o | (bell, green, chili, etc.) pepper, capsicum |
kapt/i | capture, catch |
kar/a | dear; ~ul(in)o darling |
karaf/o | carafe |
karakter/o | character (personality) |
karb/o | coal |
karcer/o | cell, jail, prison |
kares/i | stroke (caress) |
karier/o | career |
karn/o | flesh |
karnaval/o | carnival |
karot/o | carrot |
kart/o | card |
karton/o | cardboard |
kartvel/o | Georgian (person from the country of Georgia); ~ujo Georgia (nation) |
kas/o | fund; till (shop); ~isto cashier |
kased/o | cassette |
kaserol/o | (sauce)pan |
kasked/o | cap (with visor) |
kastel/o | castle |
kaŝ/i | [tr] conceal, hide (something) |
kaŝtan/o | chestnut |
kat/o | cat |
katalog/o | catalogue |
katastrof/o | catastrophe; ~e! What a catastrophe! |
katedral/o | cathedral |
kategori/o | category |
katen/o | shackle |
katolik/o | catholic |
kaŭĉuk/o | rubber |
kaŭz/o, ~i | cause |
kav/o, ~a | hollow |
kavern/o | cavern, cave |
kaz/o | case (gramm., legal, med.) |
KD (kompakta disko) | CD |
ke | (conj.) that |
kejl/o | peg, plug; spigot |
kel/o | cellar |
kelk/a | some; ~aj some, a few; ~foje sometimes; tridek~jara thirty-something (years old) |
kelner/o | waiter |
kern/o | core, kernel |
kest/o | chest (box) |
kia | what kind |
kial | why; ~o reason (cause) |
kiam | when |
kie | where |
kiel | as; how |
kies | whose |
kilogram/o | kilogram |
kilometr/o | kilometer |
kimr/o | Welsh (person); ~ujo Wales |
kin/o | cinema (industry); ~ejo movie theater |
kio | what (thing); ~ ajn whatever |
kiom | how much; ~ da how much (of) |
Kipr/o | Cyprus |
kis/i, ~o | kiss |
kitel/o | overall, smock |
kiu | who; which one; that (relative pron.); ~ ajn whoever; whichever |
klab/o | club (weapon) |
klaĉ/i | gossip |
klap/o | flap; valve |
klar/a | clear; plain; ~igi explain; ~igo explanation |
klas/o, ~i | class |
klasik/a | classic(al) |
klav/o | key (of keyboard); ~aro keyboard |
kler/a | cultured, educated |
klient/o | client, customer |
klimat/o | climate |
klin/i | [tr] incline, tilt; ~iĝi recline; ~iĝo incline (slope) |
kling/o | blade |
klinik/o | clinic |
klopod/i | take steps (to), endeavor, set about |
klub/o | club (society) |
knab/o | boy; ~ino girl |
kod/o | code; ~igi codify; ~umi hack |
kofr/o | trunk (chest) |
kok/o | cock (rooster); ~ino hen |
koket/a | coquettish |
kokos/o | coconut |
kol/o | neck; ~ĉeno necklace; ~umo collar |
kolbas/o | sausage |
koleg/o | colleague |
kolekt/i | [tr] collect, gather; ~o collection |
kolektiv/a, ~o | collective |
koler/i | be angry with; ~o anger; ~iĝi anger (become angry) |
kolizi/i | collide |
kolomb/o | pigeon |
kolon/o | column (pillar) |
kolonel/o | colonel |
kolor/o, ~i | color |
kolumn/o | column (vertical arrangement) |
kom/o | comma |
komand/i | (be in) command |
komb/i | to comb; ~ilo a comb |
kombin/i | combine; ~aĵo combination; (chemical) compound |
komedi/o | comedy; ~isto comedian |
komenc/i | [tr] begin, start; ~anto beginner |
koment/i, ~o | comment, remark |
komerc/i | trade (commerce); ~o commerce, business; ~aĵo merchandise, commercial product |
komfort/o | comfort, ease |
komik/a | comic(al) |
komisar/o | commissar |
komisi/i | commission, entrust (with a task) |
komision/o | commission, subcommittee |
komitat/o | committee |
kompakt/a | compact |
kompar/i | compare |
kompat/i, ~o | pity; ~inda poor (pitiful) |
kompens/i | compensate |
kompetent/a | competent |
komplement/o | complement |
kompliment/o, ~i | complement |
komplet/a | complete; ~o complete set; suit (of clothes), outfit |
komplez/o | favor, kindness; ~i oblige |
komplik/i | complicate; ~a complicated |
kompon/i | compose |
kompren/i | understand; ~eble of course |
kompromit/i | compromise, jeopardize |
komput/i | compute; ~ilo computer |
komun/a | common; ~aĵo common property; ~ismo communism; ~umo community, commune |
komunik/i [tr] | communicate (something) |
kon/i | know (be aquainted with); re~i recognize |
koncentr/i [tr] | concentrate |
koncept/o | concept |
koncern/i | concern; ~a in question; ~e as for |
koncert/o | concert |
kondamn/i | condemn |
kondiĉ/o | condition (stipulation); ~i stipulate; ~, ke provided that |
konduk/i | lead, conduct; drive (vehicle); en~i introduce (something) |
kondut/i | behave (well or badly) |
konferenc/o | conference |
konfes/i | admit, confess; ~o confession |
konfid/i | confide, entrust |
konfidenc/o | confidence (secret) |
konfirm/i | confirm |
konfit/i | preserve (fruit, etc.); ~aĵo preserve, jam |
konfuz/i | confuse; ~o confusion; ~a confused, jumbled |
kongres/o | congress |
konjekt/i | conjecture, guess |
konklud/i | conclude (logically), infer |
konkord/o | concord |
konkur/i | compete, rival |
konkurs/o | competition, contest |
konsci/i | be aware (of); ~a conscious (of); ~o consciousness, awareness |
konscienc/o | conscience |
konsekvenc/o | consequence; consistency; ~a inconsistent |
konsent/i, ~o | agree, consent |
konserv/i | preserve; keep |
konsider/i | consider |
konsil/i | advise; ~o advice, counsel |
konsist/i | consist; ~o composition; ~igi constitute |
konsol/i | console, comfort |
konstant/a | constant; permanent |
konstat/i | ascertain, establish |
konstituci/o | constitution |
konstru/i | build, construct; ~aĵo building |
konsul/o | consul |
konsult/i | [tr] consult |
konsum/i | consume, use up |
kont/o | account (financial) |
kontakt/i, ~o | contact; fuŝ~o short circuit |
kontant/a | ready (money), in cash |
kontent/a | content(ed), satisfied; ~igi satisfy |
kontest/i | contest (oppose) |
kontinent/o | continent |
kontrakt/o | contract |
kontrast/o | contrast |
kontraŭ | (prep.) against; ~(star)i oppose; ~diri contradict; ~leĝa illegal; ~ulo opponent |
kontribu/i | contribute |
kontrol/i | check; verify; supervise |
konven/i, ~a | be suitable, appropriate |
konversaci/o | conversation; ~i converse, talk |
konvink/i | convince |
kopi/i, ~o | copy |
kor/o | heart; ~a cordial; ~tuŝa moving |
korb/o | basket |
kord/o | string (of instrument) |
kore/o | Korean (person); ~ujo Korea |
korelativ/a | correlative |
korekt/i | [tr] correct (something) |
korespond/i | correspond (by mail) |
koridor/o | corridor |
kork/o | cork |
korn/o | horn |
kornik/o | carrion crow [= nigra korvo] |
korp/o | body |
kort/o | courtyard |
korus/o | choir |
korv/o | (any) crow; granda ~ raven; griza ~ hooded crow; nigra ~ carrion crow |
kosm/o | cosmos |
kost/i, ~o | cost |
kostum/o | dress, costume; suit |
koŝmar/o | nightmare |
kot/o | mud |
kotiz/i | subscribe; ~o subscription, dues |
koton/o | cotton |
kovert/o | envelope |
kovr/i | cover; ~ilo cover, lid |
kraĉ/i | spit; ~aĵo spit(tle) |
krad/o | grid (grating) |
krajon/o | pencil |
krani/o | skull |
kravat/o | tie (necktie) |
kre/i | create; ~aĵo creation; ~into creator |
kred/i | think (believe); ~o belief; ~ebla credible; ~eble probably; ne~ebla incredible, fantastic |
kredit/o, ~i | credit |
krem/o | cream |
krepusk/o | twilight |
kresk/i | [intr] grow; ~aĵo plant; ~igi [tr] grow; plen~iĝi grow up |
krest/o | crest |
kret/o | chalk |
krev/i | [intr] burst, pop |
kri/i, ~o | cry (shout) |
krim/o | crime; ~ulo criminal |
kripl/a | crippled |
Krist/o | Christ; ~ano a Christian; ~an’ismo Christianity |
kristal/o | crystal |
kritik/i | criticize; ~o criticism |
kriz/o | crisis |
kroat/o | Croat (person); ~ujo Croatia |
kroĉ/i | [tr] attach (to); hook (onto); ~iĝi cling to, get caught on |
krokodil/o | crocodile |
krom | (prep.) besides, apart from (except for; as well as); ~ se unless; ~a additional |
kron/o | crown |
kruc/o | cross (shape) |
kruĉ/o | a pitcher, jug |
krud/a | raw, rough |
kruel/a | cruel; fierce |
krur/o | leg |
krust/o | crust |
krut/a | steep; ~aĵo bluff, cliff |
ktp (“kaj tiel plu”) | etc |
kub/o | cube |
Kub/o | Cuba |
kudr/i | sew; ~ilo sewing needle; ~o’maŝino sewing machine |
kuir/i | [tr] cook; ~ejo kitchen; ~forno cooker; ~isto cook (chef) |
kuk/o | cake |
kukol/o | cuckoo |
kukum/o | cucumber; ~eto pickle |
kukurb/o | pumpkin |
kul/o | gnat |
kuler/o | spoon |
kulp/a | guilty; ~o guilt; ~igi accuse, blame |
kult/o | cult |
kultur/o | culture; ~i cultivate |
kun | with; ~e together; ~ulo companion; ~labori cooperate, collaborate; ~meti combine; ~veni meet; ~sido meeting, get-together |
kunikl/o | rabbit |
kupon/o | coupon |
kupr/o | copper |
kur/i | run |
kurac/i | treat (an illness); ~isto doctor |
kuraĝ/a | brave; ~o courage; ~i dare; ~igi encourage |
kurator/o | curator |
kurb/a | curved; ~o curve |
kurent/o | current (electrical) |
kurioz/a | curious (strange), quaint |
kurs/o | course (of lessons; route) |
kurten/o | curtain |
kusen/o | cushion |
kuŝ/i | lie (be horizontal), recline |
kutim/i | be accustomed to; ~a usual, customary; ~o custom; habit |
kuv/o | tub, vat |
kuz(in)/o | cousin |
kvadrat/o | square (shape) |
kvalit/o | quality |
kvankam | although |
kvant/o | amount, quantity |
kvar | four; ~ono quarter (fourth); ~opo quartet |
kvartal/o | district, quarter (of city) |
kvazaŭ | as if, as though |
kver/i | coo |
kverel/i, ~o | quarrel, wrangle |
kverk/o | oak |
kvin | five; ~ono fifth; ~opo quintet |
kvitanc/o | receipt (for goods) |
kviz/o | quiz |
la | (article) the |
labor/i, ~o | work; kun~ cooperate, collaborate; ~isto worker |
lab(oratori)o | laboratory |
lac/a | tired; ~iĝi tire (grow tired) |
lacert/o | lizard |
laĉ/o, ~i | lace (of shoe) |
lad/o | sheet metal; ~skatolo tin (box, can) |
lag/o | lake |
lak/o, ~i | lacquer |
lakt/o | milk |
lam/a | lame |
lamen/o | lamina |
lament/i | lament, wail |
lamp/o | lamp |
lan/o | wool; ~a woolen |
land/o | country (nation); ~limo (national) border |
lang/o | tongue |
lantern/o | lantern |
lard/o | bacon |
larĝ/a | wide, broad; ~o width |
larm/o | tear(-drop); ~i weep, have tears in one’s eyes; ~iga gaso tear gas |
larv/o | grub, larva |
las/i | leave |
last/a | latest; last; ~tempa recent |
latun/o | brass |
latv/o | Latvian (person); ~ujo Latvia |
laŭ | along; according to; ~leĝa legal; ~moda fashionable; ~vorte literally |
laŭb/o | arbor, bower |
laŭd/i, ~o | praise; mal~i criticize |
laŭt/a | loud |
lav/i | wash; ~ejo washroom |
lecion/o | lesson |
led/o | leather |
leg/i | read; ~ebla legible |
legom/o | vegetable (food) |
leĝ/o | law (legislation); laŭ~a legal |
lekci/o | lecture |
lek/i | lick |
leon/o | lion |
lepor/o | hare |
lern/i | learn; ~anto pupil; ~ejo school |
lert/a | clever, skillful, able |
lesiv/o | lye; detergent |
leter/o | letter (correspondence) |
lev/i | lift, raise |
li | (pron.) he; ~a his |
Libano | Lebanon |
liber/a | free; ~igi liberate |
Libi/o | Libya |
libr/o | book |
lice/o | secondary school, lycée |
licenc/o | license |
lig/i | bind, connect, join, tie; ~o league; ~ilo bond, link; al~i attach; kun~i link together |
lign/o | timber, wood (material) |
likv/o, ~a | liquid |
lili/o | lily |
lim/o, ~igi | limit |
limak/o | slug |
limonad/o | lemonade |
lin/o | flax |
lingv/o | language |
lini/o | line; ~ilo ruler |
lip/o | lip |
list/o, ~igi | list |
lit/o | bed; ~(o)tuko bedsheet |
liter/o | letter (of alphabet) |
literatur/o | literature |
litov/o | Lithuanian (person); ~ujo Lithuania |
litr/o | liter |
liver/i | deliver; supply |
log/i | lure; al~i attract |
logik/o | logic |
loĝ/i | dwell; ~ejo lodgings; ~ant’aro, en~antoj inhabitants |
lojal/a | loyal |
lok/o | place; ~a local; ~i place, locate |
lokomotiv/o | engine (train), locomotive |
London/o | London |
long/a | long; mal~a short |
longitud/o | longitude |
lu/i | rent (from someone); ~igi rent (to someone); ~prezo rent (price) |
lud/i | play; ~o game; ~ilo toy; ~ant’aro team |
luk/o | porthole, skylight |
luks/o | luxury; ~a luxurious |
Luksemburg/o | Luxemburg |
lukt/i | wrestle, struggle |
lul/i | [tr] lull, rock; ~ilo cradle |
lum/o, ~a | light; ~i [intr] shine; ~turo lighthouse |
lun/o | moon |
lund/o | Monday |
lup/o | wolf |
maĉ/i | chew |
magazen/o | large shop, store; magazine (of gun) |
magazin/o | magazine (illustrated) |
magi/o | magic |
magnet/o | magnet; ~a magnetic |
magnetofon/o | tape recorder |
maiz/o | corn, maize |
maj/o | May |
majest/a | majestic; ~o majesty |
majonez/o | mayonnaise |
majstr/o | master (of art/profession); ~i to master |
majuskl/a | upper-case |
makedon/o | Macedonian (person); ~ujo Macedonia |
makram/o | macramé |
maksimum/o | maximum |
makul/o | spot; ~i spot, stain |
mal | (prefix den. opposite); ~o opposite; ~e on the contrary; ~bona bad; ~granda small |
maleol/o | ankle |
malgraŭ | (prep.) despite, in spite of |
malic/a | malicious |
mam/o | breast, udder; ~ulo mammal |
man/o | hand; ~plato palm (hand); ~premi shake hands; ~sak(et)o handbag; ~tuko handkerchief |
mandat/o | mandate |
manĝ/i | eat; ~o meal; ~aĵo food; ~igi feed |
mani/o | mania |
manier/o | way (manner) |
manik/o | sleeve |
manipul/i | manipulate |
mank/i | be lacking |
Manks’insulo | Man, Isle of |
manovr/i | maneuver |
mantel/o | cloak, coat |
manuskript/o | manuscript |
map/o | map |
mar/o | sea; ~bordo coast, shore |
maraton/o | marathon |
marĉ/o | marsh |
mard/o | Tuesday |
mark/o | mark; make (of goods) |
marmelad/o | jam, marmelade |
marmor/o | marble |
marŝ/i, ~o | march, walk |
mart/o | March |
martel/o, ~i | hammer |
mas/o | mass (measurement) |
mason/i | work stone (masonry); ~isto mason |
mastr/o | master (boss) |
maŝin/o | machine |
mat/o | mat |
matĉ/o | match (game) |
matematik/o | mathematics |
maten/o | morning |
material/o | material |
materi/o | matter (material) |
matrac/o | mattress |
matur/a | mature; ripe; ~iĝi ripen |
mebl/o(j), ~aro | furniture |
medi/o | environment |
medicin/o | medicine (science) |
medikament/o | medicine (medicament) |
Mediterane/o | Mediterranean |
meĥanik/o | mechanics |
meĥanism/o | mechanism |
mejl/o | mile |
mekanik/o | mechanics |
mekanism/o | mechanism |
Meksik/o | Mexico |
melankoli/o | melancholy |
meleagr/o | turkey (bird) |
melodi/o | melody, tune (music) |
melon/o | melon |
mem | oneself (emphasis) |
membr/o | member |
memor/i | remember; ~o memory |
menci/i, ~o | mention |
mend/i, ~o | order (goods and services); ~ilo order form |
mens/o | mind; ~a mental |
mensog/i, ~o | lie (falsehood) |
ment/o | mint |
menton/o | chin |
menu/o | menu |
merit/i | deserve, merit; ~o merit |
merkred/o | Wednesday |
mes/o | mass (religious service) |
mesaĝ/o, ~i | message |
met/i | put |
metal/o, ~a | metal |
meti/o | handicraft; trade (profession) |
metod/o | method |
metr/o | meter |
mez/o, ~a | middle; ~nombro average |
mezur/i | [tr] measure |
mi | (pron.) I; ~a my; ~a kulpo my fault |
miel/o | honey |
mien/o | expression (of face) |
migr/i | migrate, roam; en~i immigrate |
mikro/ | micro-; ~ondo microwave; ~onda forno microwave oven |
mikrofon/o | microphone |
miks/i | [tr] mix; ~aĵo mixture |
mil | thousand; jar~o millenium |
mild/a | gentle, mild |
miliard/o | billion (thousand million, 10^9) |
milimetr/o | millimeter |
milion/o | million |
milit/o | war; ~isto soldier |
min/i | mine (for ore); ~(ej)o mine (tunnels) |
minac/i | threaten, menace; ~o menace |
mineral/o | mineral |
minimum/o, ~a | minimum |
ministr/o | minister (government); ~ejo ministry (government) |
minus | minus |
minuskl/o | lower-case, small letter |
minut/o | minute (time) |
mir/i | be amazed, wonder, marvel; ~igi amaze, awe; ~inda wonderful |
mirakl/o | miracle |
mis | (prefix) mis-; ~kompreni misunderstand; ~aŭdi mishear |
mister/o | mystery |
mistifik/i | hoax, fool |
mizer/o, ~a | misery |
mod/o | fashion, vogue |
model/o | model |
moder/a, ~igi | moderate |
modern/a | modern |
modest/a | modest |
modif/i | modify |
mojos/a | cool (attractive, fashionable) |
mok/i | mock |
mol/a | soft |
moment/o | moment |
mon/o | money; ~ujo wallet; purse; ~ero coin; ~puno fine (punishment) |
monat/o | month |
mond/o | world |
monstr/o | monster |
mont/o | mountain; ~eto hill |
montr/i | show; ~iĝi appear, turn out; ~ilo indicator |
monument/o | monument |
mor/o | general custom, usage |
moral/o | morals |
mord/i | bite |
morgaŭ | (adv.) tomorrow; post~ the day after tomorrow |
mort/i | die; ~o death; ~igi kill; ~inta dead (died) |
moskit/o | mosquito |
moŝt/o | (general honorific); lia reĝa moŝto his royal highness |
motiv/o | reason (motive) |
motor/o | motor, engine; ~ciklo motorcycle |
mov/i | [tr] move; ~iĝi [intr] move; ~ado movement |
muel/i | grind; ~ejo mill |
muĝ/i | bellow, roar |
mul/o | mule |
mult/a | much; ~aj many; ~e (da) a lot (of); ~obl’igi, ~obl’iĝi multiply (increase in number); ~valora precious; ~e’kosta costly |
multiplik/i [tr] | multiply (mathematics) |
munt/i | erect; mal~i disassemble |
murd/i | murder |
murmur/i | murmur |
mur/o | wall |
mus/o | mouse |
musk/o | moss |
muskol/o | muscle |
muŝ/o | fly (insect) |
mut/a | mute; unable to speak |
muz/o | Muse |
muze/o | museum |
muzel/o | muzzle (part of the face), snout |
muzik/o | music; ~ilo musical instrument |
naci/o | nation; ~a national; ~ismo nationalism |
naĝ/i | swim |
naiv/a | naive |
najbar/o | neighbor |
najl/o | nail (metal) |
najtingal/o | nightingale |
nan/o | dwarf; midget |
Narcis/o | Narcissus |
nask/i | give birth to; ~iĝi be born; ~iĝo birth; ~iĝ’tago birthday |
natur/o | nature; ~rezerv’ejo nature reserve |
naŭ | nine |
naŭz/i | nauseate |
naz/o | nose |
ne | no; not |
nebul/o | fog; ~eto mist |
neces/a | necessary; ~ejo bathroom, lavatory; ~a seĝo toilet (fixture) |
Nederland/o | Netherlands |
neglekt/i | neglect |
neĝ/o, ~i | snow; ~ero snowflake |
nek | nor; nek … nek … neither … nor … |
nenia | no kind |
neniam | never |
nenie | nowhere |
nenies | nobody’s |
nenio | nothing; none |
neniu | no one, nobody; none |
nep/o | grandson; ~ino granddaughter |
nepr/e | definitely; without fail |
nerv/o | nerve |
nervoz/a | nervous; fidgety, impatient |
nest/o, ~i | nest |
net/a | neat (orderly); clear-cut; ~o clean copy; mal~o rough draft |
nev/o | nephew; ~ino niece |
ni | (pron.) we; ~a our |
nigr/a | black |
nilon/o | nylon (substance) |
nivel/o | level |
nod/o, ~i | knot |
nokt/o | night; ~mezo midnight |
nom/o, ~i | name; ~iĝi be called (named) |
nombr/o | number (quantity), amount; ~i [tr] number, count |
nominativ/o | nominative case |
nord/o, ~a | north |
norm/o | norm, standard; ~a standard |
normal/a | normal |
normand/o, ~a | Norman |
norvego | Norwegian (person); ~ujo Norway |
not/i, ~o | note; mark, grade |
nov/a | new; mal~a old; de~e again, afresh; ~aĵoj news |
novel/o | novelette (short story) |
novembr/o | November |
Novzeland/o | New Zealand |
nu | now; well (interjection) |
nub/o | cloud |
nud/a | bare, naked |
nuk/o | nape |
nuks/o | nut |
nul | zero, nought |
numer/o | number (of house, etc.) |
nun | now (at present) |
nur | (adv.) merely, only; ~a mere |
nutr/i | nourish |
obe/i | obey |
objekt/o | object (thing) |
oblikv/a | slanting |
observ/i | observe |
obstin/a | obstinate |
ocean/o | ocean |
odor/i | [intr] have some odor; ~o odor |
ofer/i | sacrifice; offer (up) |
ofert/i | offer; bid |
ofic/o | office, function, post; ~ejo office (place); ~isto official |
oficial/a | official |
oficir/o | officer (military, police) |
oft/a | frequent; common; ~e often |
ok | eight |
okaz/i | happen, occur; ~o occasion; event; opportunity; ĉiu~e, ~ĉia~e in any case |
okcident/o, ~a | west |
oktobr/o | October |
okul/o | eye; ~vitroj glasses (spectacles) |
okup/i | occupy; ~ita occupied, busy |
ol | than |
ole/o | oil |
oliv/o | olive |
ombr/o | shade; shadow |
ombrel/o | umbrella |
on | (suffix den. fraction); ~o fraction; du~o half |
ond/o | wave (water, etc.); ~i undulate; surge |
oni | (pron.) one, people, they, you (speaking generally); ~diro rumor, hearsay |
onkl/o | uncle; ~ino aunt |
oper/o | opera |
operaci/o | operation; ~i operate; ~umo (computer) operating system |
opini/i | think (opine); ~o opinion; sam~i agree |
opon/i | [intr] be in opposition |
oportun/a | convenient; handy; opportune |
or/o | gold; ~a gold(en); ~(ig)i gild |
oranĝ/o, ~(kolor)a | orange |
orator/o | orator |
ord/o | order (regular arrangement) |
ordinar/a | ordinary |
ordon/i, ~o | order (command) |
orel/o | ear |
orf/o, ~igi | orphan |
organiz/i | organize; ~(aĵ)o organization |
organ/o | organ |
orient/o, ~a | east; ~i orient; sin ~i find one’s bearings |
origin/o | origin; ~i [intr] originate |
original/a, ~o | original (not a copy) |
orkestr/o | orchestra |
ornam/i | adorn, decorate; ~(aĵ)o ornament |
ort/o | right-angle |
ortografi/o | orthography, spelling |
osced/i, ~o | yawn |
ost/o | bone |
ov/o | egg |
oval/o, ~a | oval |
pac/o | peace |
pacienc/o | patience |
pacient/o | patient (med.) |
Pacifik/o | Pacific Ocean |
pacifism/o | pacifism |
pacifist/o | pacifist |
paĉj/o | daddy [pa(tr) + ĉjo] |
paf/i | fire (shoot); ~ilo gun; ~arko bow |
pag/i | pay; sen~a free |
paĝ/o | page (of book) |
pajl/o | straw |
pajnt/o | pint |
pak/i | pack; ~o pack, packet, parcel; ~aĵo luggage, baggage; ~umo packaging |
Pakistan/o | Pakistan |
pal/a, ~iĝi | pale |
palac/o | palace |
palis/o | stake (post) |
palm/o | palm (tree) |
palpebr/o | eyelid; ~umi blink |
palp/i | feel (by touch) |
palt/o | overcoat |
pan/o | bread |
pane/o, ~i | [intr] breakdown (stop working) |
panel/o | panel |
panj/o | mom(my) [pa(trin) + njo] |
pantalon/o | pants, trousers |
pantomim/o | pantomime |
pap/o | pope |
papag/o | parrot |
paper/o | paper |
papili/o | butterfly |
par/o | couple, pair; ~a even (multiple of 2); paired; ne~ odd |
paradiz/o | paradise |
paralel/a, ~o | parallel |
paraŝut/o, ~i | parachute |
pardon/i | pardon, forgive; excuse; ~u!, ~on! sorry!; pardon! |
parenc/o | relative, relation |
parentez/o | parenthesis; ~e parenthetically, by the way |
parfum/o | perfume |
Pariz/o | Paris |
park/o | park; ~i, ~umi park (a vehicle) |
parlament/o | parliament |
parol/i, ~ado | talk; ~o speech; el~i pronounce |
part/o | part |
parti/o | party (political) |
particip/o | (gramm.) participle |
pas/i | [intr] pass; pass through; ~ejo crossing; ~int’eco past; preter~i pass (by), overtake |
pasaĝer/o | passenger |
paser/o | sparrow |
pasi/o | passion |
Pask/o | Easter; Passover |
pasport/o | passport |
past/o | paste; dough |
pastr/o | priest, clergyman, minister |
paŝ/i, ~o | step, stride, pace |
paŝt/i, ~ejo | pasture |
pat/o | frying pan |
patent/o | patent |
patr/o | father; ~ino mother; ge~oj parents |
patron/o | patron |
paŭzo, ~i | pause |
pavim/o | pavement; ~i pave |
pav/o | peacock |
pec/o | piece |
pejzaĝ/o | landscape, scenery |
pek/i, ~o | sin |
Pekin/o | Beijing |
pekl/i | pickle |
pel/i | drive (propel) |
pelt/o | fur |
penc/o | penny |
pend/i | [intr] hang; ~igi [tr] hang; ~umi hang (execute) |
pen/i | endeavor, try |
pens/i | think; ~ema thoughtful; el~i invent |
pensi/o | pension |
pent/i | repent |
pentr/i | paint (a picture) |
per | (prep.) by, by means of, with |
perd/i | lose; ~o loss |
pere/i | perish |
perfekt/a | perfect |
perfid/i | betray |
period/o | period (interval); ~aĵo periodical |
perl/o | pearl |
permes/i, ~ilo | permit |
pers/o | Persian (person); ~ujo Persia |
persekut/i | pursue; persecute; prosecute |
persik/o | peach |
persist/i | persevere; persist |
pervers/a | perverse |
Peru/o | Peru |
pes/i | weigh (find weight of); ~ilo scale |
pest/o | plague, pestilence |
pet/i | ask (for), request; mi ~as please; ~egi beseech; ~veturi hitchhike |
petol/i | frolic |
petrol/o | petroleum |
petrosel/o | parsley |
pez/i | weigh (have weight); ~o weight; ~a heavy, weighty |
pi/a | devout |
pian/o | piano |
pic/o | pizza |
pice/o | spruce (tree) |
pied/o | foot (of body); ~fingro toe; ~iri walk; ~pilko football |
pig/o | magpie |
pik/i, ~o | prick, sting; ~ilo sting, barb, pick |
pil/o | electrochemical cell/battery |
pilk/o | ball (for games); pied~o football |
pilot/o, ~i | pilot |
pin/o | pine |
pinĉ/i | nip, pinch |
pingl/o | pin |
pint/o | tip, point; summit |
pioĉ/o | pickaxe |
pionir/o | pioneer |
pip/o | pipe (for smoking) |
pipr/o | pepper |
pir/o | pear |
pitoresk/a | picturesque |
piz/o | pea |
plac/o | square (in town) |
plaĉ/i | be pleasing; ĝi ~as al mi I like it; laŭ via ~o as you please |
plad/o | dish, platter; course |
plafon/o | ceiling |
plag/o | calamity; ~i afflict, plague |
plaĝ/o | beach |
plan/o, ~i | plan |
pland/o | sole (of foot); ~umo sole (of shoe) |
planed/o | planet |
plank/o | floor |
plant/i | plant |
plast/o | plastic |
plat/a | flat (smooth) |
plej | (adv.) most; ~ bona best; ~ mal’granda smallest |
plekt/i | [tr] twine, plait |
plen/a | full; ~igi fill; ~umi fulfil; ~kresk’ulo adult |
plend/i | complain |
plet/o | tray |
plezur/o | pleasure |
pli | (adv.) more; ~ bona better; ~multo majority; ~bon’igi [tr] improve; ~-mal~ more or less |
plonĝ/i | [intr] plunge, dive |
plor/i | cry (weep) |
plu | (adv.) further, longer; ne ~ no longer, no more; no further; kaj tiel ~ and so on |
plum/o | feather; pen |
plumb/o | lead (metal); ~isto plumber |
plur/aj | several; ~silaba polysyllabic |
plural/o | plural |
plus | plus; ~o plus; surplus |
pluv/o | rain; ~as it’s raining; ~mantelo raincoat |
po | (prep.) at the rate of, @, each; ~ du ovoj two eggs each |
podi/o | platform (podium) |
poem/o | poem |
poent/o | point (scoring) |
poet/o | poet |
poezi/o | poetry; ~aĵo poetry; ~isto poet |
pol/o | Pole (a person from Poland); ~a Polish; ~lando, ~ujo Poland |
polic/o | police; ~ano police officer |
politik/o | politics; policy |
polur/i | polish (a surface); ~o shine, lustre |
poltron/o | coward, poltroon |
polus/o | (geog.) pole |
polv/o | dust; sen~igi to (remove) dust; ~o’suĉ’ilo vacuum cleaner |
pom/o | apple |
pont/o | bridge |
pop(muzik)/o | pop (music) |
popol/o | people (populace) |
popular/a | popular |
por | (prep.) for; in order to; ~ ke so that |
porcelan/o | china (porcelain) |
porci/o | portion |
pord/o | door; gate |
pork/o | pig; ~aĵo pork |
port/i | carry, take; wear |
portret/o | portrait |
portugal/o | Portuguese (person); ~ujo Portugal |
posed/i | own (possess); ~aĵo a possession, property |
post | (prep.) after; behind; ~ kiam (conj.) after; ~a, ~e later; ~aĵo (one’s) rear, behind; ~tag’mezo afternoon |
posten/o | post (station) |
postul/i | demand, require |
poŝ/o | pocket; en~igi put in one’s pocket; ~tuko handkerchief |
poŝt/o | post (mail); en~igi mail (someting); ~aĵo a letter, package (item of mail); ~karto postcard; ~marko postage stamp |
pot/o | pot (for cooking, etc.), jar |
potenc/o | power |
pov/i | be able |
poz/i | pose |
pozici/o | position |
pra | (prefix den. remoteness in time); ~avo great-grandfather; ~nepo great-grandson; ~patroj forefathers; ~historio prehistory; ~a ancient, primeval |
praktik/o | practice (as opposed to theory); ~i put into practice |
pram/o | ferry(boat) |
prav/a | right (in opinion); ~i be right; ~igi justify |
precip/e | particularly; principally; ~a main, principal |
preciz/a | accurate, precise |
prefer/i | prefer; ~e preferably; ~ata favorite |
preĝ/i | pray; ~ejo place of worship |
prem/i | press (compress); oppress |
premi/o | prize |
pren/i | pick up; take |
prepar/i | [tr] prepare |
prepozici/o | preposition |
pres/i | print; ~ilo printer (device) |
preskaŭ | (adv.) almost, nearly |
preskrib/i | prescribe |
prestiĝ/o | prestige |
pret/a | ready; ~igi prepare (something) |
pretekst/o | pretext; ~i pretend |
pretend/i | claim |
preter | (prep.) beyond; past, by; ~lasi overlook, omit; ~pasi pass (by), overtake |
prez/o | price |
prezent/i | present; introduce |
prezid/i | preside; ~anto chairperson, president |
pri | (prep.) about, concerning; ~zorgi take care of |
princ/o | prince |
princip/o | principle |
printemp/o | spring (season) |
privat/a | private |
prizon/o | prison |
pro | (prep.) for, on account of, because of, owing to |
probabl/a | probable |
problem/o | problem |
proced/i | proceed |
proces/o | lawsuit; ~i litigate, sue |
produkt/i | produce; ~ema productive |
profesi/o | profession |
profesor/o | professor |
profet/o | prophet |
profit/o | profit |
profund/a | deep, profound |
prognoz/o | forecast, prognosis |
program/o | program |
progres/i, ~o | progress |
projekt/o, ~i | project, plan |
prokrast/i | delay; postpone |
proksim/a | near, nearby; ~uma approximate; ~iĝi approach |
prolet/o | a proletarian; ~aro proletariat |
promen/i | walk (for pleasure) |
promes/i, ~o | promise |
pronom/o | pronoun |
prononc/i | pronounce; ~o pronunciation |
propon/i | propose; offer |
propozici/o | (grammar) clause; (logical) proposition |
propr/a | (one’s) own); ~aĵo property, a possession |
prosper/i | prosper |
protekt/i | protect |
protest/i | protest; ~anto Protestant |
protokol/o | minutes, record, report, log |
prov/i | attempt, try out; test |
proverb/o | proverb |
provinc/o | province |
proviz/i, ~o | supply, stock |
provok/i | provoke |
proz/o | prose |
prudent/a | sensible, prudent, reasonable; ~o common sense |
prunt/i | lend; borrow; ~e on loan; ~e’preni borrow; ~e’doni lend |
pruv/i | prove; ~o proof |
psikologi/o | psychology |
publik/o, ~a | public |
pug/o | ass (buttocks) |
pugn/o | fist |
pulv/o | gunpowder |
pump/i, ~ilo | pump |
pum! | boom! |
pun/i | punish; ~o punishment |
pund/o | pound (currency) |
punkt/o | dot, period; point (in space/time, question); ~o’komo semicolon; du~o colon |
punt/o | lace (fabric) |
pup/o | doll |
pur/a, ~igi | clean |
pus/o | pus |
puŝ/i | push |
putr/i | [intr] rot, putrefy; ~a rotten |
rab/i | rob; ~isto robber; ~atenci mug |
rabat/o | discount; rebate |
raci/o | reason (logical faculty); ~a rational |
rado | wheel |
radar/o | radar |
radi/o | ray, beam; radio; ~(ad)i radiate; ~ricevilo radio (device) |
radiator/o | radiator |
radik/o | root |
radikal/a | radical |
radiofoni/o | radio telephony |
rajd/i | ride (horse, cycle) |
rajt/o | right (entitlement); ~i be entitled to; ĉu mi ~as? may I?; ~igi authorize |
rakont/i | tell a story, narrate; ~o tale, narrative |
ramp/i | crawl, creep |
ran/o | frog |
rand/o | edge, rim |
rang/o | rank (military, sports, etc.) |
rapid/a | fast; ~o speed; ~i be fast, in a hurry |
raport/i, ~o | report; ~isto reporter |
ras/o | race |
rat/o | rat |
raŭk/a | hoarse |
raŭp/o | caterpillar |
rav/i | [tr] delight; ~a delightful |
raz/i | [tr] shave; ~ilo razor |
razen/o | lawn |
reakci/o | reaction (political, chemical) |
real/a | real |
recenz/i, ~o | review (book, etc.) |
recept/o | recipe; prescription |
reciprok/a | mutual, reciprocal |
redakt/i | edit; ~isto editor |
redaktor/o | editor |
redukt/i | [tr] reduce |
reflekt/i | reflect (light, etc.) |
reg/i | rule, govern, control; ~ist’aro government |
regal/i | treat (regale) |
regiment/o | regiment |
region/o | area, district (region) |
registr/i, ~o | record; register |
regn/o | kingdom, realm |
regul/o | rule (regulation) |
reĝ/o | king; ~ino queen; ~(in)a moŝto majesty (royal title) |
reĝim/o | regime |
reĝisor/o | director (of film) |
reklam/i | advertise; ~aĵo advertisement |
rekomend/i | recommend |
rekompenc/o | reward |
rekord/o | record (best performance) |
rekt/a | straight; ~angulo right-angle |
rel/o | rail |
relativ/a | relative (in relation to) |
religi/o | religion |
rem/i | row (a boat); ~ilo oar |
ren/o | kidney |
rendevu/o | appointment; rendezvous |
renkonti | [tr] meet; ~(iĝ)o meeting, encounter |
rent/o | income (unearned) |
renvers/i | overthrow, knock down |
reprezent/i | represent |
respekt/o, ~i | respect |
respond/i, ~o | answer, reply |
respublik/o | republic |
rest/i | remain, stay; ~aĵo rest (remainder) |
restoraci/o | restaurant |
ret/o | net; network; ~ejo website; ~paĝo web page; ~poŝto email; la ~o the Net; Inter~o The Internet |
rev/i, ~o | daydream, dream (wishful thinking) |
revizi/i | audit, revise |
revoluci/o | revolution (revolt) |
rezign/i | renounce, forgo, give up |
revu/o | journal, review |
rezerv/i, ~o | reserve |
rezign/i | forgo, give up, renounce |
rezist/i | resist |
rezon/i | reason (argue) |
rezult/i, ~o | result |
rib/o | currant |
ribel/i, ~o | mutiny |
ricev/i | receive; ~o receipt |
riĉ/a | rich, wealthy |
rid/i, ~o | laugh; ~eti, ~eto smile |
rifuĝ/i | take refuge; ~o refuge, shelter; ~into refugee |
rifuz/i | refuse; ~o refusal |
rigard/i | look (at), watch; consider, regard, deem; ek~i glance (at) |
rigid/a | stiff |
rikolt/i | harvest, reap; ~ilo sickle |
rilat/i (al) | relate to, refer to; ~o relation; ~e al in regard to |
rim/o, ~i | [tr] rhyme |
rimark/i, ~o | notice; ~inda remarkable |
rimed/o | resource |
rimen/o | strap |
ring/o | ring |
rip/o | rib |
ripar/i | repair, fix |
ripet/i | repeat |
ripoz/i, ~o | repose, rest |
riproĉ/i | reproach, scold; ~inda reprehensible |
risk/i, ~o | risk, hazard |
ritm/o | rhythm |
rival/o | rival |
rivel/i | reveal; develop (photo) |
riverenc/o, ~i | bow, curtsey to |
river/o | river |
riz/o | rice |
rob/o | robe; dress, gown |
robot/o | robot |
rok/o | rock; ~ĝardeno rock garden |
rol/o | part, rôle; ~ulo character (in a play) |
roman/o | novel |
romanĉ/a | Romansch |
romp/i | [tr] break; inter~i interrupt; ~iĝ’ema fragile, brittle |
rond/o, ~a | round; ~vojaĝi tour |
ronk/i | snore |
ros/o | dew |
rost/i | [tr] roast; ~pano toast |
rotaci/i | spin (rotate) |
roz/o | rose; ~kolora pink |
rub/o | rubbish (garbage); rubble |
ruband/o | ribbon |
rubrik/o | heading; section; column; rubric |
rugbe/o | rugby |
ruĝ/a | red; ~iĝi blush |
ruin/o | ruin |
rul/i | [tr] roll; ~o roller; ~ŝuo roller skate; ~umi scroll |
ruman/o | Romanian (person); ~ujo Romania |
rus/o | Russian (person); ~lando, ~ujo Russia |
rust/o | rust |
ruz/a | crafty, cunning, sly |
sabat/o | Saturday |
sabl/o | sand |
sag/o | arrow; ~eto dart |
sagac/a | astute, shrewd |
saĝ/a | wise; ~o wisdom |
sak/o | bag; sack |
sal/o, ~i | salt |
salajr/o | salary, wage |
salat/o | salad |
sald/o | balance (of account) |
salik/o | willow |
salon/o | lounge; salon |
salt/i, ~o | jump; ~eti hop |
salut/i | greet, salute; ~o greeting; ~on hello! |
sam/a | same; mal~ different; ~tempa simultaneous |
san/a | fit, healthy; ~o health; re~igi cure, restore to health |
sandviĉ/o | sandwich |
sang/o | blood; ~i bleed |
sankt/a | holy, sacred; ~ulo saint |
sap/o | soap |
sark/i | weed; ~ilo hoe |
sat/a | full (sated); mal~i be hungry |
satir/o | satire |
saŭc/o | sauce |
sav/i, ~o | rescue |
scen/o | scene; ~ejo stage (for actors) |
sci/i | know (a fact; how to); ~igi notify, tell; ~povi know (a language, etc.); ~voli wonder (be curious) |
scienc/o | science; ~isto scientist |
se | (conj.) if, supposing |
sed | (conj.) but |
seg/i, ~ilo | saw |
seĝ/o | chair, seat |
sek/a | dry; ~ig’ilo dryer |
sekc/i | dissect |
sekci/o | section |
sekret/o, ~a | secret |
sekretari/o | secretary |
seks/o | sex (male or female) |
sekund/o | second (unit of time) |
sekur/a, ~igi | secure |
sekv/i | follow; ~a next; ~o consequence; sin~a consecutive |
sem/o, ~i | seed; dis~i scatter |
semajn/o | week; ~fino weekend |
sen | (prep.) without |
senat/o | senate |
senc/o | sense (meaning) |
send/i | send |
sens/o | sense (faculty) |
sent/i | [tr] feel; kun~i sympathize |
sep | seven |
septembr/o | September |
serb/o | Serbian (person); ~ujo Serbia |
serĉi | look for, seek |
seren/a | serene |
seri/o | series |
serioz/a | serious, earnest |
serpent/o | serpent, snake |
serur/o | lock; ~isto locksmith |
serv/i | serve; ~o service |
ses | six |
sever/a | severe, strict |
sezon/o | season (time of year) |
si | oneself (reflexive) |
sid/i | sit; ~iĝi, ek~i sit (sit down) |
sign/o | sign |
signal/o | signal |
signif/i | mean (signify) |
silent/i | be silent; ~a silent; ~o silence; ~igi muzzle (silence) |
silk/o | silk |
siluet/o | silhouette |
simfoni/o | symphony |
simi/o | monkey |
simil/a | similar, like; ~i resemble |
simpati/o | liking, fellow-feeling; ~a likeable, nice |
simpl/a | simple |
sin/o | bosom; lap |
sincer/a | sincere |
sindikat/o | union (trade union) |
singular/o | singular (grammar) |
sinjor/o, s-ro | sir; gentleman; Mr.; ~ino, s-ino madam; lady; M(r)s. |
Siri/o | Syria |
sistem/o | system |
sitel/o | bucket, pail |
situ/o | site, situation (place); ~i be situated |
situaci/o | situation |
skal/o, ~i | scale (measure) |
skatol/o | box, case; lad~ can, tin |
skeĉ/o | sketch (theater) |
ski/o, ~i | ski |
sklav/o | slave |
skolt/o | scout; ~estro scoutmaster |
skorpi/o | scorpion |
skot/o | Scot (person); ~lando Scotland |
skrap/i | scrape; ~gumo eraser |
skrib/i | write; pri~i describe; ~maŝino typewriter |
sku/i | [tr] shake |
skulpt/i | carve, sculpt; ~aĵo sculpture; ~isto sculptor |
slav/o | Slav |
sled/o | sled |
slovak/o | Slovak (person); ~ujo Slovakia |
sloven/o | Slovene (person); ~ujo Slovenia |
sobr/a | sober, temperate |
soci/o | society, community; ~a social |
social/a | social, welfare; ~ismo socialism; ~isto socialist |
societ/o | society (association) |
sof/o | sofa |
soif/i | be thirsty; ~a thirsty; ~o thirst |
soj/o | soy sauce; ~fabo soybean; ~kazeo tofu |
sojl/o | threshold; sill |
sol/a | lone; alone; sole; ~e solely, only; ~eca lonely, lonesome |
soldat/o | soldier |
solen/a | solemn; ~i celebrate |
solid/o | solid |
solv/i | dissolve; resolve; solve; ~o solution |
somer/o | summer |
son/i | [intr] sound; ~o sound |
sonĝ/o, ~i | dream (in sleep) |
sonor/i | [intr] ring (sound); ~ilo bell |
sopir/i | long for, yearn |
sorb/i | absorb |
sorĉ/i | bewitch, conjure |
sort/o | destiny, fate, lot |
sovaĝ/a | wild, savage; ~ulo a savage |
sovet/o, ~a | Soviet |
Sovetuni/o | Soviet Union |
spac/o | space; room |
spec/o | kind, sort, type, variety |
special/a | special; ~e especially |
specimen/o | sample, specimen |
spegul/o, ~i | mirror |
spekt/i | watch (as viewer or spectator) |
spektakl/o | spectacle |
spert/a, ~ulo | expert; ~i experience |
spez/o | expense; en~i earn (money); el~i spend |
spic/o, ~i | spice |
spik/o | ear (of corn) |
spin/o | backbone, spine |
spinac/o | spinach |
spir/i | breathe; ~o breath |
spirit/o | spirit |
spit/e | despite; ~i defy, brave |
split/o, ~i | splinter |
spong/o | sponge |
sporad/a | sporadic |
sport/o | sport; ~isto sportsman |
sprit/o, ~ulo | wit; ~a witty |
spur/o | trace, trail; ~i trace, follow a trail |
staci/o | station; ~domo train station (building) |
stadi/o | stage (of development) |
stadion/o | stadium |
stal/o | stall; shed; stable |
stamp/i | stamp (make a mark); ~ilo stamp (tool) |
standard/o | banner, flag |
stang/o | rod, pole |
star/i | stand; ~igi establish, set up; ~iĝi, ek~i [intr] stand up |
stat/o | condition (state) |
statu/o | statue |
statur/o | stature |
stel/o | star |
sterk/o | dung, manure |
stern/i | [tr] spread, lay out |
stevard/o | steward (ship, etc.) |
stil/o | style |
stimul/o | stimulus |
stomak/o | stomach |
strand/o | beach |
strang/a | odd, strange, peculiar |
strat/o | street |
streb/i | strive |
streĉ/i | [tr] stretch, tighten; wind up (watch, etc.) |
strek/o | line (mark) |
stri/o | strip, band, stripe |
strig/o | owl |
strik/o, ~i | strike (of workers) |
struktur/o | structure |
strut/o | ostrich |
stud/i | study; ~anto student |
student/o | student (at university) |
stuf/i, ~aĵo | stew |
stult/a | stupid; ~ulo fool |
stump/o | stub; stump |
sub | (prep.) under, beneath; ~iĝi set (sun); ~ulo subject; subordinate; ~skribi sign; ~streki underline, emphasize; ~aŭskulti eavesdrop; ~mar’ŝipo submarine |
subit/a | sudden |
subjekt/o | subject |
substantiv/o | noun |
subtil/a | subtile |
subtrah/i | subtract |
subvenci/i | subsidize |
suĉ/i | suck |
sud/o, ~a | south |
Sudafrik/o | South Africa |
Sudan/o | Sudan |
sufer/i | suffer |
sufiĉ/a | sufficient, enough; ~i be enough, suffice |
sufok/i | [tr] choke; suffocate |
sugest/i | suggest |
suk/o | juice |
sukces/i | succeed, manage (to do something); ~o success |
suker/o | sugar |
sulk/o | wrinkle; furrow |
sum/o | sum (of money; total); ~igi add (arithmetic) |
sun/o | sun |
sup/o | soup |
super | (prep.) over; above; ~a superior; ~i exceed; ~signo accent, diacritic |
suplement/o | supplement |
supoz/i | suppose; presume |
supr/e | above; on top; ~aĵo surface; ~en upwards; upstairs; ~o top, summit |
sur | (prep.) on, upon; ~ la strato in the street; ~meti put on (clothes); ~voje en route, on the way; ~ter’iĝi land |
surd/a | deaf |
surfac/o | surface (geometrical) |
surpriz/i, ~o | surprise |
suspekt/i | suspect; ~o suspicion |
susur/i, ~o | rustle |
sved/o | Swede (person); ~ujo Sweden |
svelt/a | slim |
sven/i | faint |
sving/i | [tr] wave (move); brandish |
svis/o | Swiss (person); ~ujo, ~lando Switzerland |
ŝaf/o | sheep; ~aro flock of sheep; ~ido lamb |
ŝajn/i | seem, appear; ~e apparently; ver~e probably; ~igi pretend |
ŝak/o | chess |
ŝakal/o | jackal |
ŝalt/i | switch (on); mal~i switch off; ~ilo switch |
ŝanc/o | chance (of success) |
ŝancel/i | [tr] shake, make unstable; ~iĝi totter; waver |
ŝanĝ/i | [tr] change |
ŝarg/i, ~o | load (camera, gun, etc.); charge (battery) |
ŝarĝ/i, ~o | burden, load; ~aŭto truck |
ŝat/i | like; prize, think well of; ~okupo hobby |
ŝaŭm/o, ~i | [intr] foam |
ŝejk/o | sheikh |
ŝel/o | peel; bark; shell; sen~igi peel |
ŝerc/i, ~o | joke |
ŝi | she; ~a her(s) |
ŝik/a | chic, elegant |
ŝild/o | shield |
ŝink/o | ham |
ŝip/o | ship, vessel |
ŝir/i | [tr] rip, tear |
ŝirm/i | [tr] shelter, screen |
ŝlos/i | lock; ~ilo key |
ŝmink/o, ~i | make-up |
ŝmir/i | smear, spread (butter, etc.); bribe |
ŝnur/o | cord, rope, line |
ŝofor/o | driver, chauffeur |
ŝok/i | shock |
ŝose/o | highway, roadway |
ŝov/i | shove |
ŝovel/i, ~ilo | shovel |
ŝpar/i | save (economize) |
ŝpin/i | spin (make thread) |
ŝpruc/i | spurt out |
ŝrank/o | cupboard |
ŝraŭb/o | screw; ~ilo screwdriver |
ŝtal/o | steel |
ŝtat/o | state (nation); ~ano citizen |
ŝtel/i | steal; ~isto thief |
ŝtip/o | log (wood) |
ŝtof/o | material (textile) |
ŝton/o | stone |
ŝtop/i | stop up, plug; clog; ~ilo plug; ~il’ingo socket; outlet |
ŝtrump/o | stocking; ~eto sock; ~kalsono tights |
ŝtup/o | stair; ~aro staircase; ~et’aro ladder |
ŝu/o | shoe |
ŝuld/i | owe; ~o debt |
ŝultr/o | shoulder |
ŝvel/i | swell |
ŝvit/i, ~o | sweat |
tabak/o | tobacco |
tabel/o | table (list) |
tabl/o | table (furniture) |
tabul/o | board (blackboard, etc.); plank |
tag/o | day; ~libro diary, journal; ~manĝo lunch; ~mezo noon; ~ordo agenda (daily schedule) |
tajl/i | cut (cloth, diamond) |
Tajland/o | Thailand |
tajlor/o | tailor |
tajp/i | type (with computer) |
Tajvan/o | Taiwan |
taks/i | estimate |
taksi/o | taxi |
takt/o | tact |
talent/o | talent; ~a gifted, talented |
tali/o | waist(line) |
tamen | however; nevertheless |
Tamiz/o | Thames |
Tanzani/o | Tanzania |
tapet/o | tapestry; wallpaper |
tapiŝ/o | carpet |
tarif/o | tariff |
tas/o | cup |
task/o | task |
taŭg/i | be fit (for), be of use, serve; ~a adequate, fit (suitable) |
te/o | tea |
team/o | team |
teatr/o | theater; ~aĵo play (performance) |
ted/i | bore (tire) |
tegment/o | roof |
tegol/o | tile (for roof) |
teĥnik/o | technique |
teĥnologi/o | technology |
teknik/o | technique |
teknologi/o | technology |
teks/i | weave; ~aĵo textile |
tekst/o | text; ~i [intr] read, say, be written |
tele | tele-; ~vidi watch television; ~vido television; ~vid’ilo television set |
telefon/o, ~i | telephone |
teler/o | plate (for food) |
teg/i | cover, protect; coat |
tem/o | theme, topic |
temp/o | time; tense; sam~e simultaneously |
temperatur/o | temperature |
tempest/o | tempest |
tend/o | tent; ~aro, ~umi camp |
tendenc/o | tendency |
tener/a | tender(-hearted) |
ten/i | hold, grasp; keep, maintain; have; ~ilo handle; re~i retain; en~i contain |
tenis/o | tennis |
tent/i | tempt |
teori/o | theory; ~a theoretical |
ter/o | earth; land; ground; ~pomo potato |
teras/o | terrace |
teren/o | grounds (area), terrain |
teritori/o | territory |
termometr/o | thermometer |
tern/i, ~o | sneeze |
teror/o | terror (political); ~ismo terrorism; ~isto terrorist |
terur/o | terror; ~a terrible; ~i terrify |
testud/o | tortoise |
tia | such |
tial | therefore |
tiam | then (at that time) |
tie | there |
tiel | so, thus; tiel … kiel … as … as … |
tig/o | stem (stalk) |
tigr/o | tiger |
tikl/i | tickle |
tim/i, ~o | fear; ~a afraid; ~ema timid; ~igi frighten |
tin-tin | (onomatopoeia) |
tinktur/o | dye |
tint/i | clink, tinkle |
tio | that (thing) |
tiom | that much, so much |
tip/o | model, type (exemplar); ~a typical; ~aro typeface |
tir/i | draw (pull); ~kesto drawer; el~aĵo excerpt |
titol/o | title, heading |
tiu | that (one/person) |
tol/o | cloth (material) |
toler/i | tolerate |
tomat/o | tomato |
tomb/o | grave, tomb |
ton/o | tone (note) |
tond/i | cut (with scissors); ~ilo scissors |
tondr/o | thunder |
torĉ/o | torch |
tord/i | twist |
torent/o | torrent |
tort/o | pie, tart |
tost/o, ~i | toast (drink) |
tra | (prep.) through; ~nokti spend the night; ~vivi experience |
tradici/o | tradition; ~a traditional |
traduk/i | translate |
traf/i | hit (not miss); catch (a bus, etc.); ~a striking, to the point |
trafik/o | traffic |
tragedi/o | tragedy |
trajn/o | train (vehicle) |
trajt/o | feature, trait |
trakt/i | treat (deal with) |
traktat/o | treaty |
traktor/o | tractor |
tram/o | tram, streetcar |
tranĉ/i | cut (with a knife, etc.); ~aĵo slice; ~ilo knife |
trankvil/a | calm, tranquil |
trans | (prep.) across; ~doni hand over; ~formi transform; ~igi transfer; ~iri cross (go across) |
tre | very; ~ege extremely |
trejn/i | coach (to train) |
trem/i | tremble |
tremp/i | dip; immerse |
tren/i | drag, tow |
tri | three; ~angulo triangle |
trib/o | tribe |
trik/i | knit; ~ilo knitting needle |
trink/i, ~o, ~aĵo | drink; ~ejo bar (pub); ~mono tip (gratuity) |
tritik/o | wheat |
tro | too (much); ~igi exaggerate; ~uzi overuse; tro da salo too too much salt |
tromp/i | cheat, deceive |
trotuar/o | sidewalk |
trov/i | find; ~iĝi be (in a place) |
tru/o | hole |
trud/i | impose |
trumpet/o | trumpet |
trunk/o | trunk (body, tree) |
trup/o | troop |
TTT (Tut-Tera Teksaĵo) | WWW |
tub/o | pipe, tube |
tuber/o | bump, lump, snag; tuber |
tuf/o | tuft, wisp |
tuj | immediately; ~a immediate; tuj kiam as soon as |
tuk/o | piece of cloth; buŝ~o napkin; lit~o (bed)sheet; ban~o bath towel |
tun/o | ton |
tunel/o | tunnel |
tur/o | tower |
turism/o | tourism |
turist/o | tourist |
turk/o | Turk (person); ~ujo Turkey |
turment/i, ~o | torment, torture |
turn/i | [tr] turn; ~o revolution (on an axis) |
tus/i, ~o | cough |
tuŝ/i | touch; affect; concern |
tut/a | entire, whole; ~e completely; ~e ne not at all; ~monda worldwide |
uj | (suffix den. container or country); ~o container; mon~o purse, wallet; Franc~o France |
ukrain/o | Ukrainian (person); ~ujo Ukraine |
ung/o | claw; nail (finger, toe) |
uniform/o | uniform |
unik/a | unique |
univers/o | universe |
universal/a | universal; worldwide |
universitat/o | university, college |
unu | one (number); ~anima unanimous; ~iĝi unite; ~opa single; ~foje once (not twice) |
urb/o | city, town; ~a municipal, urban; ~estro mayor |
urĝ/a | urgent |
urs/o | bear (animal) |
Urugvaj/o | Uruguay |
Uson/o | America (USA) |
util/a | useful |
uz/i, ~o | use |
vad/i | wade |
vag/i | roam; wander |
vagon/o | carriage (of train); ~aro train |
vakcin/o | vaccine |
val/o | valley |
valid/a | valid |
valiz/o | suitcase |
valor/o | value; ~a valuable; ~i be worth |
van/a | vain (futile) |
vang/o | cheek |
vant/a | frivolous; vain, conceited |
vapor/o | steam |
var/o | commodity; ~oj wares, merchandise |
vari/i | [intr] vary; ~o variety |
variete/o | variety (theat.) |
varm/a | hot; warm; mal~ cold; ~o warmth; ~igi heat |
Varsovi/o | Warsaw |
vart/i | nurse (of children), look after; ~isto daycare provider; babysitter |
vast/a | vast, spacious |
vat/o | wadding |
vaz/o | vase |
ve! | woe!; ho, ve! alas!, oy vey! |
vegan/o, ~a | vegan |
vegetal/o | vegetable (plant) |
vegetar/a, ~ano | vegetarian |
vejn/o | vein |
vek/i | [tr] wake, rouse; ~ilo, ~horloĝo alarm clock |
vel/o, ~(ad)i | sail; ~ŝipo sailing ship/boat |
velk/i | [intr] fade, wither |
velur/o | velvet |
ven/i | come; kun~ meet |
vend/i | [tr] sell; ~ejo store, shop |
vendred/o | Friday |
venen/o | poison |
Venezuel/o | Venezuela |
venĝ/i | avenge; ~o revenge |
venk/i | beat (defeat); conquer; ~o victory |
vent/o | wind; ~ego gale; ~umi, ~umilo fan |
ventr/o | belly |
ver/a | true; mal~a false; ~e truly; ~dire in truth, to tell the truth |
verb/o | verb |
verd/a | green |
verdikt/o | verdict; ~i reach a verdict, rule |
verg/o | wand |
verk/i | write, compose (a written work); ~o a work (of author); ~isto writer |
verm/o | worm |
vers/o | verse |
verŝ/i | pour |
vert/o | crown (top of head) |
vertic/o | vertex |
vertikal/a | vertical |
veruk/o | wart |
vesper/o | evening; ~manĝi eat dinner; bonan ~on! good evening! |
vesp/o | wasp |
vest/o | clothing, garment; ~i [tr] clothe, dress; ~aĵo item of clothing |
vestibl/o | vestibule |
vet/i, ~o | bet, wager; ~kuri race |
veter/o | weather |
vetur/i, ~o | go (by vehicle); ~ilo vehicle; ~igi drive |
vezik/o | bladder; bubble; ~eto blister |
vi | (pron.) you; ~a your |
viand/o | meat |
vibr/i | vibrate |
vic/o | row, line; turn (to play); ~igi rank (in order); ~prezid’anto vice-president |
vid/i | see; ~aĵo a view; ~ebla visible; ~inda worth seeing; antaŭ~i expect |
vide/o | video |
vidv/o | widower; ~ino widow |
vigl/a | lively, alert, wide-awake |
viktim/o | victim |
vilaĝ/o | village |
vin/o | wine; ~bero grape |
vinagr/o | vinegar |
vintr/o | winter; tra~i overwinter |
viol/o | violet (plant); ~(kolor)a violet (color) |
violon/o | violin |
vip/o | whip |
vir | (prefix for male); ~bovo bull; ~kato tomcat |
vir/o | man (as opposed to woman or child); ~ino woman |
virg/a, ~ulo | virgin |
virt/o | virtue |
viski/o | whisky |
viŝ/i | wipe; ~tuko duster; dish-cloth |
vit/o | vine |
vitr/o | glass (material) |
viv/i | be alive; ~anta alive; ~o life |
vizaĝ/o | face |
vizit/i | visit; ~anto visitor |
vjetnam/o | Vietnamese (person); ~ujo Vietnam |
voĉ/o | voice; ~don-i, -o vote (informal) |
vodk/o | vodka |
voj/o | road, route, way; ~eto path; ~erari lose one’s way |
vojaĝ/i | travel; ~o journey, voyage |
vok/i, ~o | call |
vokal/o | vowel |
vol/i | want, desire; ~o will; laŭ~e as desired; ne~a involuntary |
Volapuk/o | Volapük (language); jibberish |
volont/e | willingly, gladly; ~ulo volunteer |
volum/o | volume (book) |
volumen/o | volume (size) |
volv/i | wind (wrap) |
vom/i | vomit, throw up |
vort/o | word; ~aro dictionary |
vost/o | tail |
vual/o | veil |
vulkan/o | volcano |
vulp/o | fox |
vultur/o | vulture |
vund/i, ~o | wound |
zon/o | belt; zone |
zoologi/o | zoology |
zorg/i | be concerned about; worry; ~e carefully; pri~i take care of; ~anto guardian |
zum/i, ~o | buzz, hum |